Chapter 31

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~Present time~

~A month later~

~Mimi's P.O.V.~

"Mimi, let me go! You've held me captive for a month already!" Yoongi started struggling to escape the chair I chained him in. I smiled, "Why would I do that? I'm having fun playing cat and mouse with your friends." "Whatever your motive is, I know they'll find me one day," he glared at me. I tsked and shook my head, "Don't be silly, baby. There's no way they can predict our next move," I smiled. He frowned, "I know they'll find me." I sighed and shook my head again, "You should stop having so much hope in your friends, because it's impossible." "I don't give a f*** about what you believe, I know they will," he said. I approached him before trying to caress his cheek. He quickly spiked his head away. "Stop playing hard to get. I'm your princess so we're meant to be," I sat on his lap.

"Stop being childish. The only reason you were the princess is because you're a spoiled brat. I never thought of you as my princess," he struggled to get me off his lap. I knitted my eyebrows together. "How dare!" I got up, "You should be grateful! I'm giving you a better life. I took you away from Y/N. Don't you hate her?! You always chose me over her because you hate her, isn't that right?!" "Stop kidding yourself. You know d*mn well you're the one I hate," he rolled his eyes, "Why else would I avoid you? I was hoping you would have the ability to understand that I never liked you, but I guess that's too much when it comes to you. I hate your sh**ty personality, and, to top it all off, you're a b****. Oh, and let's not forget that you had the dignity to kidnap me while I was sleeping! Why would I ever like a crazy person like you?!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I slapped him. He glared at me. My handprint started appearing on his face. "Why haven't you realized how annoying you are? Why can't you handle the truth? Wait, I might know why. You're an entitled piece of sh*t that always gets her way, and never gets disciplined," he glared at me. I collapsed to my knees, "Why do I need to hear it from you? The one that I love so much. I've worked so hard to impress you. Why can't you choose me over her? Why can't you love me? I'm more important than she is!" "Miss Mimi, please calm down," Tim placed his hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch me!" I pushed him away. Then I stood up. "I'm going to get fresh air," I walked off.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

It's been a month and I swear that b**** gets crazier everyday. Whenever she gets mad, she would normally pour cold water on me. She keeps claiming it'll bring me back to my senses. Even through all of this, I couldn't help but worry about Y/N and the others. Everyday I questioned whether or not ARMY knew, or if a search team was really on their way. All I wanted of do was go to Y/N. I wonder how she took the news, and how she's handling it. Once I'm free from Mimi, I'm going to put her in jail for sexual harassment and kidnapping. I wish I could text someone my location.

I sat in the chair and watched Tim text on his phone. He's been doing that the entire time we've been moving. I glared at him from afar, and he looked back at me. "Is there a problem?" he asked, like he cared. "Why do work with that crazy b****?" I asked, "Are you okay knowing I was kidnapped and drugged in the dead of night?" "This is the only job I have," he answered the first question. He was avoiding my second question. "You know what she's doing is wrong, right? Even if this is your only job, she mistreats you. Why do you stay?" I asked.

"I've worked with Miss Mimi for a long time. No matter how much I try to correct her wrongdoing, she thinks her actions are justified," he answered, "I get irritated by her personality as well. But even after all that, I see a different side of her. Unless you've experienced all of her sides, you won't understand why I stay. No matter what she does to me, I know she has a kind heart." "Did she brainwash him? I'm pretty sure Mimi only has one-side," I rolled my eyes.


~Tim's P.O.V.~

"Please, leave me alone," I cried. "Are you crying?" one guy laughed. "Come on. I think that's enough. I'm sure he learned his lesson," another guy motioned. "Okay," the first guy said. I felt relieved when they started walking off. But then, he came running back and hit me with the metal bar again. "Don't f*** with us again, understood?" he kicked me in the ribs before walking off. I started coughing. There was blood coming from my mouth. I started using my strength to sit up. As I was leaning against the wall, I kept falling in and out of consciousness. "But daddy, I don't have a butler!" I heard the voice of a young girl.

"I know, I know. We'll find you one," a deep voice replied. After a while, a daughter holding her dad's hand came into my vision. "Look, daddy! A homeless person," she pointed at me. I used all my strength to wave at her. "Ew," she said before they disappeared from my vision. I closed my eyes, ready to die. But then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see that little girl again. "Are you okay?" she asked. I slowly shook my head. "If I get you medical help, will you work for me?" she shyly looked away. "If... that's what you want," I smiled, "Thank you." "Don't think I feel bad for you! I just didn't want you to die here alone," she said. "You're very kind..." I breathed out, "What's your name?" "My name is Mimi," she answered. "You can call me Tim," I said.

~Back to the present~

"If it weren't for her... I wouldn't be alive today," I smiled.

I hoped you enjoyed!


Yoongi stared at Tim who was smiling at the wall. "What the actual f***-?" Yoongi questioned.

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