Chapter 29

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~A week later~

It's been a week since Yoongi disappeared and since Kim left without a word. But today, BTS decided it's time to tell their fans.

As I tapped my pencil against my desk, I let out a sigh. Everything was reminding me of Yoongi, but I didn't want to cry anymore. I've been crying for the whole week, and I even cry myself to sleep.

I looked down at the clothes I was wearing, they all belonged to Yoongi. Then I averted my eyes back to my piece of paper. My album started off being about love. But now, it's gotten depressing ever since Yoongi disappeared. The lyrics also expressed how BTS felt lost without him. Namjoon was going through something similar as I was, because Kim upped and left without a word. Whatever she was doing, she didn't contact anyone. We've spammed her messages but she hasn't replied or read any of them.

After a while of zoning off, someone knocked on my door. I stood up and went to the door. "Hey, Miss Y/N," Charlotte smiled.

She's been visiting me nonstop ever since their disappearance to make sure I didn't do anything I would regret. She was here to cheer me up, and I had to admit it was comforting whenever she was around. Like a heartbreak, she was there for me with ice cream and other foods.

When she entered the dorm, she took off her shoes. "I got us chocolate," she proudly showed off the bag she was holding, "There were some kids fighting over these, so you could imagine the trouble I went through to get it." "Thank you, you're the best," I smiled. "You haven't been sleeping lately, have you? You don't look well rested," she approached me. "I haven't..." I replied. She sighed, "I know it's hard right now, but please get more sleep. It's important for your wellbeing," she said, "Plus, ARMY will be joining the search soon. I have a feeling we'll find him." I slowly nodded in response. "Do you want to watch T.V.?" she asked, and I nodded again.

~Charlotte's P.O.V.~

I watched as Miss L/N stumbled to her living room as I followed behind her. She's been having a hard time, and I couldn't blame her. If I lost my best friend, I would react the same. The thing that makes it worse is that she lost both her boyfriend and best friend. Even though I always try my best to cheer her up, it doesn't seem to be working. Despite the depressing mood, my positive spirits remained. I wanted to do everything in my power to make her smile. "Please let Mr. Min return so she can be happy again," I would pray every night before I sleep. I was hoping my wishes would be heard. At this moment, I need to focus on making her feel better even if I get on her nerves. All I wanted to see was that smile again, even if it's just once.

~Your P.O.V.~

"I hope ARMY can help us today," Charlotte said as she went through the channels. I slowly nodded, "I'm hoping they can find him... I mean, it's been a week. I just want everything to return to normal." She was really trying her hardest to quickly find a show we would enjoy. "It'll be okay," she said. "She always says that... but is it really?" I questioned, "Will I get annoyed by her one day?" I quietly sighed. "Nonetheless, I hope my negativity doesn't get to her," I thought. As we were watching, I got a notification. "It's a tweet from BTS," Charlotte looked over my shoulder.

The tweet read: "We have some unfortunate news to deliver today. During the tour last week, Yoongi was kidnapped and has gone missing. There's a search team currently on this case, but we would like to ask for help from everyone else. Without him, we aren't BTS. Your help is much appreciated, thank you."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes. The tweet reminded me of everything that happened. Charlotte quickly pulled me into a hug. As we looked through the replies, there was chaos, as predicted. Even so, people sent their regards and told us he'll be back someday.

Just then, I received a message from Kim. She sent a video and I was quick to press play.

"Hello everyone, you're probably wondering where I went," she chuckled, "I decided to join the search team, but I'll be my own search team. Don't try to find me because I plan on bringing Yoongi back." She seemed so confident. "Oh, one more thing. You don't need to worry about me, I'll be careful," she promised before the video ended.

"She's crazy," Charlotte muttered, "How does she plan to find him all by herself?" I just wanted them to come back home safely.

I went into Twitter and decided to tweet something. At this point, I didn't care what happened to my reputation. "Please help find my boyfriend," I replied to the thread. I just wanted Yoongi back. I don't care if I get hate or if the fans know. As long as he's back, it's worth it.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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