Epilogue: Kim

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"Where are we going?" Hyeon-U, my son, kicked his little feet. "We're going to visit a dear friend," I answered. "A friend? Do I know them?" he asked. "No, you've never met them," Yoongi answered. A smile appeared in my son's face. He loves meeting new people and becoming their friend. "What are the flowers for?" Hyeon-U held up the roses. "You'll see," I smiled. He nodded and placed them back down.


When we made it to our destination, I stepped out of the car. "This place doesn't look like a house," Hyeon-U said, puzzled. I helped him get out, "It's not, it's a cemetery." He was already too puzzled to question it. "Let's go," Yoongi grabbed the roses. We took one of Hyeon-U's hands into ours. "Mommy, daddy, I want to fly!" he said. We started to swing him back and forth as we walked up the stairs. Then we made it to Kim's gravestone. "Who is this?" Hyeon-U stared at the photo. "Our dear friend," I answered. Yoongi placed the bouquet of flowers down. "Let's have a moment of silence. Close your eyes, and don't say a word," I instructed Hyeon-U.

Yoongi closed his eyes and lowered his head, and Hyeon-U copied. I did the same. A soft breeze past the three of us. After a while, I opened my eyes. I saw Hyeon-U impatiently opening and closing his eyes. When he noticed me open my eyes, he immediately shut his eyes again. I giggled and placed my hand on his head. I started to pet his hair. After a while, Yoongi opened his eyes.

"Hey, Kim. It's me. I hope you're doing well. Hyeon-U is six years old now. I always wonder how you'd react if you saw him now... We miss having you around. I wish you were here with us. So many things have happened without you," I smiled. "Hey, sweetheart. Can you let me have some time with Kim?" Yoongi asked. I nodded, "Come on, Hyeon-U." I stood up and held out my hand. He took it and we went somewhere to wait. "Mommy, why are you talking to a stone?" he asked, "Why does daddy keep staring at it?" "I was talking to Kim... She's in a better place now. This is the only way we can talk to her," I answered.

"Can she hear you?" he asked. "I hope so..." I answered. "When will she come back?" he asked. "She's never coming back," I faintly smiled. "Oh..." he looked over to Yoongi, who was muttering something. "Mommy, I want to know Kim more," he said. "Okay, let's see... She was your dad's best friend, and my friend. She was always confident in a happy ending, she did a lot for us, and she was always there for us. One day, she wanted to protect me... but... she ended up never returning," I vaguely explained. "She sounds brave," he said.

My lips quivered. I covered my face and started crying.

"She was, she was a very brave person. If you met her, I'm sure you'll love as much as we do," I cried. "Mommy, don't cry," Hyeon-U tried comforting me.

A few minutes later, I stopped crying. Then I noticed Namjoon. He smiled when he saw us.

"Uncle Namjoon!" Hyeon-U jumped up to greet him. "Oh my, is that Hyeon-U?" Namjoon asked. My son nodded in response. "You've gotten so big! I swear you were this tall when I last saw you," Namjoon used his hand to show Hyeon-U's height. My son laughed and gave a long "No~."

Namjoon looked happy. He still hasn't found someone new. He said he felt loved by Kim, even if she was gone.

I watched him walk over to her grave and place a bouquet of flowers down. "Hey, honey. Do you remember that place you wanted to go to so badly? Well, I was there earlier, and it's not a place you want to be at," he chuckled. "Is she your friend as well?" Hyeon-U asked. "No, she's my wife," Namjoon answered. "How? She's never coming back," Hyeon-U asked. "Hyeon-U, you can't say that type of stuff," I quickly said. "No, it's okay," Namjoon assured, "Do you have anything you want to tell her?"

My son stared at him and started thinking. "Thank you for protecting my family!" he shouted. "You're too loud," Yoongi patted his head. "Oh, I'm sorry," Hyeon-U covered his mouth, embarrassed. Soon the other members appeared, and they greeted us. "I knew you'd come here. We still have practice, you know," Seokjin said. They went to join Namjoon, and the three of us left. "Where are we going now?"  Hyeon-U asked. "I want to meet up with two friends who've stayed by my side for a long time," I answered.


This time it was a house, and it got Hyeon-U excited. But this time, he already knew who they were. I knocked on the door and Tim opened the door.

"I'm glad you've decided to visit us," he invited us in. Then Charlotte appeared. "What are you doing here? I just saw you a few minutes ago!" she went over to hug me. "I wanted to see how the newlyweds are doing," I answered. "We're doing just fine, thank you for asking. Minus the fact Tim forgot to wash the dishes, again!" she went to scold him. "Hey, it's not my fault," he said, defensively.

"Tim... Tim..." Hyeon-U muttered. Everyone turned to him. "Your name sounds like Kim! Do you know Kim?" he asked, "I heard she saved my mommy." Charlotte and Tim's face relaxed at her name. "I know a lot about Kim, she was an amazing person," Tim picked Hyeon-U up. "Really? Why does everyone know her? Why don't I?" Hyeon-U asked. "I'm sure she'll want to know you as well, little guy," Charlotte said. Yoongi went to distract our son while I talked to Tim and Charlotte. "When he mentioned her name, I remember the words she told me before she died," Tim said.

"What did she say?" I asked, now interested. "Charlotte was being all flirty with me, and telling me to come back safely-" he started off. "You wished I was flirting with you!" his wife interrupted. "She told us that we better get together after it was over," he finished. We fell quiet. "I wonder what her future would be like if she didn't die..." I said, softly. "We all do," Charlotte muttered.

Hi, welcome to the official ending.
Did anyone cry? Tell me I'm not the only one.
Namjoon, I told you to stop chopping onions!
I hoped you enjoyed, and I hope to see you in the future!

*Cue Kim looking over everyone with a smile on her face*

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