Chapter 23

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~The next day~

While we were outside yesterday, I was too careless.

There was a loud knock coming from my door that woke me up. When I opened the door, still exhausted, I noticed Charlotte. She was showing me her phone and saying something. But since I was tired, I barely heard her. She dragged me into the bathroom before making me splash my face with cold water. After that, she explained to me what she was desperately trying to tell me earlier.

There were rumors of Yoongi and I dating spreading across social media like wildfire. After reading some articles, Charlotte figured out that a fan saw Yoongi and me in the bookstore. Then other fans spotted Yoongi and I eating with Namjoon and Kim. There were a lot of photos going around with the four of us in it. Although Kim was in those photos, her face was strangely blurred out or crossed out. Charlotte explained to me that, "Since she's not famous, they completely disregarded the fact that she was with us." I sent the site to Yoongi just in case he hasn't seen it yet.

"I can't believe this is happening for the second time," I said, feeling completely stressed. Charlotte let out a sigh, "You need to be careful whenever you're with Mr. Min. You never know when a fan will be around to catch you two together." I nodded in agreement.

Even so, it's not like most of them were against the relationship. It looked like they supported it. Nevertheless, there were still hate comments. There were questions floating around the media that I knew would just be asked in interviews. Since interviewers asked questions that fans often ask, I knew they wouldn't miss a chance to ask this time around. No matter how much I'll lie in the interviews, I knew the fans would keep shipping us.

I sighed, "I should get ready. I have to practice." "Please don't stress about this too much. I know you want your relationship to be private, but you shouldn't get hung up on the rumors," Charlotte said, "Fans normally don't get too stuck on dating rumors unless there is actual proof. So you shouldn't worry too much, just ignore it if you can." "I know, but I'm just disappointed that I was so careless yesterday," I replied, "All of this would have been prevented if I was careful yesterday." She touched my shoulder, giving me sympathy.

~At the stage~

As expected, it was huge. "Is everyone ready?" Namjoon asked. We nodded before heading to the stage.

~After a while~

After a few practices and corrections, we finally got a break. I started chugging my water bottle. Afterwards, I started wiping away my sweat with a towel.

"Hey, Y/N," I heard, making me turn. Kim stopped in front of me. "Did you want to talk to me?" I asked. She nodded, "Did you see the news?" "What news?" I asked, visibly confused. "The one about the dating rumor," she clarified. "Oh right-" I paused, "I did see it. It's my fault that I was being careless yesterday." I couldn't help but feel guilty about what's happening now. "You don't need to blame this on yourself," she patted my shoulder, "I'm sure it'll fade away, like most rumors do." I smiled and nodded in response. "Do you want to practice with me? I'll even sing," she said, "It'll be nice to feel like an idol, even though I'm not one." "Sure, I don't mind some extra practice," I chuckled.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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