Chapter 17

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Namjoon immediately went to help Kim. He was crying as he did so. All she did was give a reassuring smile.

"I'm okay. You don't need to worry..." that's when her body went limp. Namjoon immediately caught her. "Babe! Babe! Are you okay? Can you hear me?!" he shouted. "Namjoon, that's enough!" Seokjin quickly checked her carotid pulse, "She just passed out so she's fine."

He immediately took her out of Namjoon's arms. Namjoon quickly followed behind Seokjin as he placed her on the couch.

"We need to aid her," I quickly approached her. The bruises were huge, but her cuts weren't too deep. "We should change her clothes as well," I suggested, noticing all the blood on her clothes due to the cuts. "She really fought until the end..." Seokjin mumbled, "She's so stubborn." Then he left to retrieve something. As I started analyzing her body, I noticed something. "It looks like she was trying to get away from someone," I placed my fingers on her clothes, "But who...?" Seokjin came back with a first aid kit. "Do you know how to treat wounds?" he asked. "I know how to treat bruises," I answered. "Okay, I'll treat the cuts and you treat her bruises," Seokjin said. "Namjoon, get her some new clothes," I instructed, and he nodded in response.

~After a while~

After Seokjin and I finished treating her injuries, I turned to look at the others. All of them were devastated, and having their own breakdown.

"Guys," I said, but no one looked at me, "Guys!" They finally looked over at me. "She's going to be fine." "But she's injured!" Namjoon said, pointing out the obvious. "What did you expect? She was attacked by a group of guys. Did you expect her to come out unharmed? At least she came back alive and in one piece," I said. "She could have died," Namjoon muttered. "Well, she's not. I think that's the most important part about this whole situation," I replied.

~After a few hours~

I continued to stay in the BTS dorm. I constantly told the members to stop checking up on her because she needed rest. Right now, I was in Yoongi's room, talking about the song. I was trying to get his mind off Kim for even a second, and it seemed to be working. Seokjin was distracting the others. They just left to get fresh air.

As we were listening to the song, I started to quietly sing along. "Sing louder," Yoongi said. "Why?" I chuckled. "I want to hear you sing," he said. I immediately gave in and started singing louder. When I was done, he hugged me. "You're such a good singer, Miss Knight," he teased. I playfully punched his arm. "Don't you have those recordings when we were younger?" I asked in realization. Yoongi pulled away from the embrace with a huge smile appearing on his face. "Of course I do. Why woul I?" He grabbed his laptop.

~Past Video~

~Narrator's P.O.V.~

"Hey, stop! You can't even dance," Yoongi laughed at Y/N. She angrily glared at him, making him back down. "You can't dance either!" she shouted. "I can dance!" he shouted back. "Oh yeah? Then prove it," she said, and he immediately started dancing. "What? How did you do that?! Teach me how to dance like you!" Y/N begged after he finished. "Learn to do it yourself," Yoongi laughed evilly.

~Back to the present~

~Your P.O.V.~

"You would always tease me whenever I tried to dance," I rolled my eyes. Yoongi chuckled, "But you took my advice and learned how to dance." I smiled, "I did, and I'm way better than you now." He laughed, "If that's what you want to believe." I glared at him after what he said. Then I stuck my tongue out at him.


~Narrator's P.O.V.~

"Yoongi, look at the camera," Yoongi's mom approached her son. He smiled at the camera before looking at Y/N. "You're both so grown up. This is your first dance you're attending!" his mom started fake crying. "Stop it, mom!" Yoongi groaned in embarrassment. She chuckled, "So Y/N, how do you feel about attending the dance with this fine gentleman?" "It's nice to know he's the one who asked me," Y/N blushed. "You're so lonely that I had to ask," Yoongi teased. Y/N responded by punching his arm. "What was that for?" he asked, rubbing his arm. "I punched you because you're being mean. Did you want to go with Mimi instead?" she asked. He immediately shook his head, "I think I would have brought a hotter date." Without a word, Y/N kicked him and stomped off.

~To the present~

~Your P.O.V.~

"I was really mad at you for that," I laughed at the memory of what happened after. "I kept begging you to forgive me because we would've missed the dance," Yoongi started laughing as well. "I kept suggesting that you go by yourself," I reminded. "In all honesty, I thought you were the hottest girl at the dance," he said, making me blush like crazy. He smiled before kissing my forehead. "I'm really lucky to have you," he said. "Stop making me blush with your cringey lines!" I covered my face, "I think I'm the lucky one here..." He chuckled, "You're so cute."

We continued watching the videos. Once in a while, I would check up on Kim's condition.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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