Chapter 35

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While Kim was talking with the others, I couldn't help but get impatient. "I think you should explain to them what happened before they lose it," Yoongi said. Kim nodded, "Where do I even start?" "From the beginning," Namjoon said. "Okay, if that's what you want," Kim replied, "Before I went missing, Mimi's butler approached me on the last day of the tour. He told me Mimi kidnapped Yoongi, as we know, and that he had a plan. Then he explained Mimi's plan, before telling me he'll inform me about their next move or their current location-." "If that's the case. Why did you take a year to find him?" Jungkook interrupted.

She held up her index finger to silence him. "I was getting there," she said, "I didn't have a lot of money, so I needed to spend what I had wisely. Even though I was told about their locations, I stayed in a hotel room to plan everything out. I couldn't do this alone, so I needed backup. I needed officers who would be willing to move around with me. The whole planning is the reason it took me a year. Plus, whenever I made it to their current location, they would change locations again. Mimi kept ruining my plans before I made the plan that saved Yoongi."


~Kim's P.OV.~

"Are you sure they're here this time?" a male officer asked. "We've been chasing them for a year and we still haven't been successful," a female officer complained due to her impatience. "I know we'll get them this time," I said confidently.

Although it's been a year and all my plans have been foiled, I knew this one would work because my planning skills improved.

"Today is the day. Just believe in me when I say this is the last time we need to do this," I promised. "Alright, but if this plan backfires, we're going to return to our normal duties. We understand that this is important, but we can't keep roaming the entire world," the male officer said. The others nodded, and I smiled, unsure how to respond. "Please Tim, this is my last chance," I got up and started heading out.

~After a while~

I stared at the hotel room Tim told me about. "When everything is in the clear, I'll inform you," I held to the walkie-talkie. The officer nodded in response. I started heading to the door. As I got closer, I saw the bodyguards. "This is going to be fun," I smiled. I approached the door, and easily opened it since Tim had unlocked it for me. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" one bodyguard asked in a loud tone, probably to alert anyone inside. "What do you mean? This is my hotel room," I gave them a puzzled look. They looked at one another before quickly trying to push me away. I didn't hesitate to knock them out. When I entered the room, I was attacked. "Do you guys have any pride? How could you attack someone when they least expect it?" I felt blood running down my face.

~After a while~

It didn't take long before everyone, who was sent to attack me, was lying on the ground. "All clear," I spoke into the walkie-talkie before continuing my search. There was pain striking my leg as I took each step. My arms were bleeding due to the knives they were attacking with. When I entered a room, where I found Yoongi, I heard the officers running into the hotel room. Yoongi started muffling something, making Mimi turn around. "I found you," I grinned, "You b****." "How did you find me?!" she asked in shock. "A little birdie told me you were here," I started approaching her. I quickly put her in an armlock so she couldn't escape. The officers started calling out to me. "I'm in the bedroom!" I shouted back. The officers walked into the room with their gun out.

Mimi started screaming while making an attempt to break from the armlock. I tightened it and she screamed even louder. "We can take it from here," the officers said. They started to detain her while telling her her rights. I went over to Yoongi and removed duct tape. "How did you find me?" he asked. "I'll tell you everything later," I answered. When I finished freeing him, he rolled his wrist. "That feels so much better," he said. I looked at him. "You look ridiculous," I laughed. "I know I do, thanks for reminding me. Can I get cleaned up? I feel disgusting," he asked. I shook my head, "Sadly, no because you'll be more recognizable."

He gave me a confused expression. "For now, we need to keep it on a low so you're going to be smelly for... let's say a week," I said. He was going to question me, but he didn't. "We found another person," an officer said. "Where are they?" I asked. They started leading me, and I followed behind them. When we made it to the bathroom, I saw Tim drenched from head to toe and coughing out water. I quickly went to him, "What happened to you?" He didn't answer me. All he did was stare at me.

~After a while~

I watched as a female officer bandaged my arms. "Have you ever thought of joining the police force? You have a lot of skills, especially against those guys," she glanced over at the guys who were being pushed into the cop cars. "Nope, I never have and never will think about it," I answered. "What a shame..." she said, "Your skills would be very useful." "I'm sorry but I have no intentions in joining," I stood up, "Thank you for treating my injuries." Then I went to Tim, who was shivering in a towel. "Hey..." I got his attention, "Do you mind telling me what happened to you?" He nodded in response.

~Flashback within a flashback~

~Tim's P.O.V.~

"Please Miss Mimi, rethink what you're doing before it's too late. If you get caught, you'll pay the consequences," I was trying to persuade her to stop before Kim came. "Tim, I don't care what happens to me! I just want to be happy with Yoongi. Why are you so against that?!" she shouted. "You're a cruel human being," I stared at her. She stared at me in shock. "I knew it, you're just like them!" she shouted, angrily, "Guards! Chain him to a chair and make him suffer! Pour ice cold water on him until he comes back to his senses!"

~Back to the flashback before the flashback~

~Kim's P.O.V.~

"Yep, she's definitely crazy," I said. Tim looked down at his hands. "You said that was your only job, right?" I asked. He nodded in response. "Since I'm the reason you lost your job, why don't I offer you one?" I asked.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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