Chapter 20

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~A month later~

I couldn't help but get excited when I heard the music video was released today. I invited Kim over so we could watch it together.

"Are you ready?" I asked, nearly falling out of my seat. Kim nodded in response.

~After a while~

The wait was worth it. I was left speechless. I still couldn't believe I got to collaborate with BTS.

"What do you think?" I asked Kim. She didn't seem to freak out as much as I did, but I would occasionally see her smiling. "I liked it. The message of the song was nice too," she approved. I smile at her response. I wanted to replay the song over and over again. "Let's read through the comments," she suggested. All of the comments were so sweet that I couldn't help but smile. "Those are some good reviews," she smiled. The mixture of fandoms in the comment section made me smile even more.

~Time: 4:58 P.M.~

I kept rewatching the music video. No matter how much I replayed it, I couldn't get over it. After Kim left, I realized that I don't get to collaborate with BTS anymore. I sighed in disappointment. That's when Charlotte decided to text me.

I'm sorry if I'm interrupting you, but I wanted to say the music video was amazing.
It turned out beautifully, and I'm so happy you collaborated with them!
I was so excited and it was worth the wait.
Thank you for always being there for me, and for supporting me!
Of course, I will always support you.
I don't know why, but I remembered that, when you debuted, you were scared of me.
Don't remind me...
Hey, since we haven't hung out in a while, do you want to hang out today?
I would love to!
Pick me up at 5:30 P.M.
Is that a good time for you?
Of course, that's perfect!
I can't wait. I'll text you when I'm there.
Sounds good. I'll see you soon!

I smiled after sending that text. Then I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

~Time: 5:28 P.M.~

After Charlotte texted me, I made my way to the elevator. When it stopped at the lobby, I went outside. I headed to the familiar car and got into the passenger seat. That's when I noticed Charlotte all dolled up.

"Well, don't you look nice today?" I placed my backpack on my lap. "I have to look nice. After all, I'm hanging out with an idol," she joked. "Let's be honest, you always look nice," I chuckled, "Plus, you always look good whenever we hang out." "I guess, since it's been a while, I wanted to look good for you," she continued to joke. I smiled, "Nonetheless, you look pretty." "Thank you," she smiled back, "Isn't that the Gucci shirt you just bought?" "It is. I didn't get a chance to wear it yet, so this was the perfect opportunity," I said. "It looks good on you," she replied. I smiled and thanked her.

~At the mall~

Charlotte and I agreed to go shopping. But at the moment, we're currently enjoying boba tea.

"Isn't that BTS?" Charlotte pointed. "Where?" I looked over, "That is them." I started thinking. "Do you want to scare them?" I asked. "How will we do that?" she asked. "We just sneak up on them and say 'boo!'" I answered. "Sure, that sounds fun," she chuckled. We gathered our belongings and made our way to them. "Boo!" Charlotte and I said in unison. I ended up scaring Seokjin and she scared Jungkook. Seokjin immediately turned around. When he noticed that it was me, he let out a breath of relief. "You scared me," he breathed out. "Sorry, sorry," I smiled. "Who is she?" Jungkook pointed at Charlotte. "This is Charlotte, she's my driver," I said. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sorry for scaring you," she smiled.

"Hey, we have matching shirts!" Taehyung said. "You're right. We're twinning!" I approached him. I felt someone glaring at me. I turned and noticed that it was Yoongi. "Don't be jealous," I teased. "I'm not," he crossed his arms. "I think he is," Taehyung joined in. We received death glares from Yoongi. "So what are you guys doing here?" I asked. "We came here with Kim since she asked us to," Namjoon answered, "But we lost her." "We should probably continue our search," Yoongi suggested, "Do you want to come along?" I looked over at Charlotte, and she nodded in response. "Sure," I smiled.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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