Chapter 44

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~The next day~

I kept worrying even though Yoongi told me not to.

I looked over the window with nothing but concern. Charlotte looked at me through the rear view mirror. "What's wrong, Miss L/N?" she asked. "It's nothing, I'm just thinking," I slowly brought my attention to her, who was staring at me with concern. Then a smile formed on her face. "Are you sure? You've been acting weird since yesterday," she continued to push for answers.

"It's just... I've been thinking a lot," I said. She fell quiet as she watched my expression. "If you say so... If you ever need someone to talk to, you know that I'm always here to listen," she said. I smiled, "Thank you, but there's really nothing to worry about. I'm just thinking." I looked out the window again.

Today was a fansign. Although I'm heading there now, BTS won't be appearing until later. I'm going early since my manager asked me to.

~After a while~

After Charlotte parked the car, I immediately left the car. She started catching up with me. "I wonder why your manager wanted you to come early," she said. I also wanted to know as well.

It didn't take long for me to be face to face with my manager.

"I'm sure you're confused why I called you in so early," she said, "A fan requested to meet you personally. Since you love meeting your fans, I thought this wouldn't mind." "Is that all?" I asked. She nodded, "I wanted to tell you beforehand, but I got busy. The meeting with your fan will happen shortly after your fansign." Then she paused. "I also wanted to know if you'd like to help out for the fansign. We have a lot of work to do, so do you mind helping?" she asked. I shook my head m and looked at Charlotte, who agreed as well. "Great, just follow me," she motioned us.

~After an hour and thirty minutes~

"So this is where you've been," Yoongi stared at me. "Yeah, my manager asked me to come in early. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you," I said. "It's fine," he assured. We sat there in awkward silence, not sure what to say. "I was there for you," Jimin cried as he jumped into Yoongi's arms. I chuckled at the way he decided to break the silence. "I can't help but want to ship them," Charlotte said. I looked at her before looking back at the two. Yoongi was trying to push Jimin off, while he was resisting.

Admittedly enough, they looked cute together, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Have you seen Tim?" I turned to Charlotte. She started thinking. "I think he said he said he needed to take care of something," she answered. I looked at her, "Really? He didn't tell me anything. "He only left me a note, but he never said anything else," she looked concerned. "That's weird..." I started to worry too.

~Tim's P.O.V.~

"I knew it was you," I stared at the figure, hiding themselves in the shadows, "I didn't think you'll have the guts to come here. Did Mimi send you?"

As the figure was stepping out, her hair followed behind her as the breeze swiftly pushed it. The light was making it a lighter blue, while her grey eyes glistened. Her obedient dog followed her. She lifted her white cane as she smiled.

"Is that you, Tim?" she asked, innocently. "Don't pretend like you didn't sense my presence," I said, "You walked into the alleyway for a reason." "You don't need to be so mean to me. We're like best buds," her smile went from a mouth smile to a teeth smile, "We've been together since I was hired." She latched the cane onto her pants. "Enough, why are you here?" I asked. Her innocent aura suddenly changed into a serious one. "I'm only here for one reason, I'm sure you know why," she said, "But, my question is... why are you here?" "Mimi sent me," I lied. She laughed, and her dog barked with her. "What happened to calling her Miss Mimi?" she asked, "Why the sudden informality?"

I didn't say anything, I just kept quiet. "Where have you been, Tim? Ever since Miss Mimi was put in jail, you've disappeared. Even after her father tried to find you, you never visited her," she started walking towards me. Her dog followed behind her while growling at me. Then she stopped in front of me before smiling. "Are you here to kill Y/N as well?" she suddenly asked. I immediately backed away, "I'm sorry, but I can't let you kill Miss L/N," I glared at her. "Oh?" she seemed amused, "So you've finally decided to disobey her? That's weird because I swore you said you'd never do that."

Her smile widened." Now look at you. You've betrayed her, and now you're working with her enemy. Miss L/N, is that right?" she laughed out of amusement. Her laughter became wicked. "I can't wait for Miss Mimi to hear about this," her smile never faded. "I'm warning you. We both know who's the better fighter here," I said. She tilted her head. "Oh, really? I guess you should keep a good eye one Miss L/N then," she smiled mischievously, "I have a meeting with her soon."

~After the fansign~

~Your P.O.V.~

"Hello?" I walked into the room and noticed the same female from yesterday. She smiled when she heard my voice. "Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Hyun," she got up to greet me,

"I'm a big fan."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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