Chapter 43

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As we were walking around, chatting and laughing, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the city. For once, I was having fun and I didn't feel paranoid. Just having everyone around me makes me feel relaxed.

But then, a fan approached me. "Oh my gosh," she started freaking out. A smile started forming on her face. "I'm a big fan!" she quietly shouted, trying not to cause a scene. Then she paused. "I'm not disturbing you, right?" she asked. I shook my head, "Of course not. We were just walking around, no worries." "Thank goodness. I don't want to disturb you since you guys need personal space as well," she said. I couldn't help but smile. "My name is Aaliyah, but you can call me Jada," she introduced herself. "It's really nice to meet you," I smiled at her. BTS was trying their best to not cause a bigger scene, and Jada immediately noticed the tension.

"Can I get a really quick picture with you and BTS?" she asked, "I don't want to get in the way of your day." I nodded and looked over at BTS. "Come on guys, let's take one photo," I said, "She's a really sweet fan, so let's do this quick favor." They nodded before coming over to me. After the picture, she walked off with a huge smile on her face.

I love it when my fans approach me. But when we start attracting more fans, it gets really dangerous when more fans start crowding around me. Some fans could get injured due to pushing and shoving. Having someone, like Jada, that doesn't attract a crowd is nice.

"You guys seemed really cautious," I said. "Sometimes crazy fans approach us, so we're more cautious nowadays. You never know what will happen, so you should be more cautious as well," Yoongi replied. "I know it's dangerous but she was giving me green flags. For example, she didn't make a scene and she asked if she was bothering us," I pointed out. "I guess you're right. We've just experienced a lot of fans surrounding and suffocating us with camera flashes. We can't help but be cautious," Seokjin said. "I've gone through that too, but I still like to interact with my fans when I can," I said, my voice started lowering with each word.

The conversation ended and we continued walking. Jungkook started messing around with Taehyung. Just then, he bumped into someone by accident. The person was knocked over. I looked over to see if she was okay. It was a female with blue hair that no one could miss from a mile away. One feature I noticed more than anything was her eyes since they were grey.

"Is she blind?" I thought.

She started looking at all of us. I started to question whether or not she was actually blind. That was until I noticed her white cane, and her dog.

"So she is blind," I concluded.

I had completely forgotten blind people have stronger senses, so she was able to sense our presence.

"I'm sorry," Jungkook held out his hand. But instead, she pushed herself up. "It's okay, it was an accident," she smiled before looking over at me. Her dog was also staring at me. That's when I felt a chill run down my spine.

Jungkook apologized once more. She assured him before continuing her day. When she was passing by me, she dropped something. I looked at it before turning to call her, but she was long gone. With hesitation, I picked it up. It looked like a business card that read "Hyun."

"Y/N, are you coming?" Charlotte called out. "I'm coming," I started trying to catch up with them. I decided not to think about it, and pretend that it didn't happen.

~After a while~

For a second, I felt like someone was watching me. When I turned around, I didn't see anyone. I started getting tense. I started zoning everything out. It felt like I was in a dark atmosphere where eyes were watching me.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi shook me. I snapped out of my trance. "What?" I looked at him. Then I hung my head low, thinking about how my mind was deceiving me. "I-I think I need to rest," I said. "Are you okay?" he repeated. Everyone else was looking at me. "I'm fine... I-I just feel a little lightheaded and uneasy," I stood up. "Do you feel sick?" Kim stood up and touched my forehead. I shook my head, "I'm just tired." After that, I started walking. Yoongi quickly followed me. "You're really bad at lying," he said. "We established this already," I replied. "What's actually wrong?" he grabbed my hand, and stopped me. I used my other hand to run my fingers through my hair.

"It's just, I feel really uneasy," I said. "About what?" he asked. "I- well, I feel like someone is watching me, and it's really creeping me out," I pulled my arm away. "Why do you feel like that?" he asked, confused. "I don't know, but I've been feeling like this since Jungkook bumped into that female," I answered unsurely. "The blind one?" he asked, and I nodded. "Why?" he continued to stare at me in confusion. It looked like he didn't believe me. "Well, she dropped this card when she passed me," I took out the card. He took the card and inspected it. "I don't see the problem with it. It might just be her business card that she accidentally dropped," he handed it back to me, "You probably shouldn't overthink it." I sighed, "I guess you're right..."

Even so, something inside of me was telling me that I should worry.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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