Chapter 55

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~Two months ago~

~A week ago~

"Let's go to the Bahamas," Charlotte suggested. "What? Why would you want to travel that far?" Tim asked. "Come on, we've been constantly working! We need a break," she said. "More like you need a break," I corrected. "Can you blame me? I haven't seen many guys lately, minus Tim and BTS... and the staff members..." she muttered near the end, "The point is that I need to let go and have fun for once! I'm young after all, and so are you, Tim. Don't you want to see those bikini babes?"

"I prefer my women clothed," he answered. "Oh, come on. You can find those kinds of babes in the bar then," she said, "Let's. Go. To. The. Bahamas." "I'm actually down to go. I want to see what the hype is all about," I agreed. "Yes! One down, one more to go. Come on, Tim, let's go," she begged. He stared at her for a while. "Fine, fine, let's go," he agreed.


That's why today is happening. Although Charlotte and Tim are partially the same age, she tends to act younger around him.

"I'm about to get me some mans!" Charlotte incoherently said.

We were ready to board the plane, and she's overly excited.

"How about you learn how to use grammar while we're over there?" Tim jokingly asked. "Hey, don't be a party pooper. You're the one who wants to see women in clothes," Charlotte retorted back, jokingly.

As I was walking behind them, they sort of reminded me of a couple.

"New ship?" I asked myself. "Aren't you excited for today?" she turned to me. I smiled and nodded, "I've never been to the Bahamas so I can't wait." "See, at least someone is excited," she punched Tim's arm. "Yep, totally a soon-to-be couple," I thought.

They've gotten really close. Tim isn't so uptight when he's around her. It was a nice ship- I mean, thing to see.

~At the Bahamas~

Charlotte and I are sharing a room, while Tim has his own room.

When we entered the room, she dropped her bags and ran to the window. "Look at the ocean!" she frantically pointed outside. I walked over and placed my bags down. "It's really pretty," I said. She immediately ran out onto the balcony to get a better view. "Ah~, this is so refreshing," she smiled.

I grabbed her bags and closed the hotel door. Then I placed it near the other bed. After that, I joined her on the balcony. That's when I noticed Tim on the other balcony.

"Hey, look," I went near the railing next to Tim's room. When he noticed me, he waved. "Are you admiring the view as well?" he asked. I nodded, "It's really pretty. The water is crystal clear!" "We should take photos and later on show Mr. Min. Then he'll be jealous he didn't get to see you in a bikini in person," Charlotte suggested. I chuckled, "I have a one piece swimsuit." "Why don't you show off your bikini bod?" she asked. "It's backless, if that makes a difference," I said. "Good enough," she ran over to the railing. Then she leaned over it. "Hey, go change into a swimming suit. I want to go swim with the animals!" she said. "Don't forget about the hot guys," he teased. Then he went back to his room. "You too, go get changed," she instructed me.

~After a while~

When I finished getting ready, I waited outside for Charlotte and Tim.

Tim exited his room with sunglasses on his head. He was carrying a book, towel, lounge chair, and an umbrella.

"Would you like some help? You're carrying a lot," I asked. "It's fine. These are easy to carry," he assured.

We waited for Charlotte's for some time before she came out the room. She was all decked out in beach gear. You name it, and she probably had it.

"Don't you think... that's a bit too much?" I asked. She shook her head. "This will last me a day at most!" she said. "We're spending a week here. What's with the rush?" Tim asked. "A week will be gone real quick," she started walking off.

~To the ocean~

Charlotte started swimming with the pigs. Tim set up his chair and umbrella. Then he sat down and opened his book. I placed my towel in his shade, and sat down. A staff member approached us and asked if we wanted anything. Tim and I denied any service.

After a while, Charlotte got out of the water and started building a sand castle. She pulled me over to help her. After that, she went scuba diving.

"Tim is just lounging around!" she went over to him. I followed behind her. "Get off your lazy butt, and let's go diving!" she demanded. He looked up from his book. "I'm good. I'll keep the fort safe," he waved her away. "We can trust the staff to do that. This is a vacation! We're supposed to have fun," she grabbed him and started pulling him to stand up. After a while, she stopped to regain her strength.

He looked up at her before closing his book. Then he let out a sigh. "Fine, let's go," he stood up and took off his shirt. Charlotte stared at his abdomen, amazed. "Damn, you have some chocolate abs," she started poking it. We called a staff over to watch over our spot. "I got a waterproof camera so-" Charlotte started off, but Tim pushed her in the water before she could finish her sentence. Then he dove in, and I copied him. In the water, we met a lot of sea creatures.

~Last day~

On the second day, we got to ride dolphins. The third day we went shopping. For the fourth day, we went swimming in a pool. On the fifth day, we enjoyed wildlife. The sixth and seventh days were activities Charlotte crammed in. Since it was the last day, she's been devastated.

"But I don't want to leave... I want to explore more," she whined. "We did everything that you wanted in seven day," Tim said. "I didn't see any hot guys," she pouted. "You looked more in love with those animals than anything," he rolled his eyes, "Plus, look at all the money you wasted!" He pointed around. "It's not a waste! These are all necessary items for me to remember this place," she defended.

Then she turned to me. "Let's spend one more day here!" she begged. "I can't since I promised my manager I'll leave tomorrow," I said, apologetically. "It won't hurt to stay one more day," she replied. "What said is said. Stop complaining and go to sleep. We're leaving tomorrow," Tim left the room.

The next day, she really put up a fight.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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