Chapter 54

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~A year later~

"Do you want to go somewhere together? I know I stood you up last time you asked me out," Yoongi asked. I looked at him before chuckling. "What? What's so funny?" he asked. "That was a year ago," I bursted out laughing. "I know but we've been busy for a year!" he said. "I know, I know," I couldn't stop laughing.

It's been a year since Tim saved me. It's still scary to think that I could have been killed, but it's been peaceful lately. That made me feel relieved.

"Do you want to go or not?" he asked. "Should I stand you up as well?" I asked back, "After all, you rudely did it to me." He stared at me in disbelief, "I had a good reason why I did that." "I, too, have a good reason as well," I replied. He leaned in closer. "What's your reason, huh?" he asked. "Well, as you can see, I'm busy trying to prepare," I turned my laptop to him. He stared at it and then back at me. "You're going to stand up your prince?" he asked. "Well, you stood up your princess," I responded. A smile was tugging at my lips. Just seeing him made me all giggly inside.

He rolled his eyes. "You're coming with me tomorrow, whether you like it or not," he said. "I'm sorry," I smirked, "But I'm busy." He shook his head in disbelief, "Fine, I'll just ask Jimin to come with me." "Yes, we stan. Yoonmin for the win!" I joked. "Unbelievable!" he breathed out. His face was so close to mine. "Come on, I'm sorry I stood you up. Will you do your prince a favor forgive me me for being foolish? Let me make it up to you by taking you on this date," he even did aegyo for me.

How could I say no after that? He was being so cute, and aegyo was a rare thing for him.

"Fine, fine. Where are we going?" I asked. "To the amusement park," he answered. "Maybe I should stand you up last minute," I said out loud, "Oops, did I say that-." He leaned in and kissed me. "I sealed thy lips, so thou canst talk," he pulled away. "Hey, what was that for?" I started blushing. "I'm sealing your lips so you have to keep your word," he answered nonchalantly, "If you want to know why I stood you up, come with me to the amusement park tomorrow."

~The next day~

I got all dressed up and started waiting for Yoongi. When I was waiting, I got a text from him. He was complaining that the others were taking their time, and he might be late. I replied, telling him it's fine and to take his time. After a while, he texted me saying he couldn't make it.

I stared at my phone in disbelief. "These were his plans!" I stood up and stomped around, frustrated. Then the door opened and Yoongi stepped in. "Surprise," he said. I took off my purse and threw it at him. "I thought you were going to stand me up again! Then I would have never gone out with you ever again, Min, Yoongi!" I shouted. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was only joking," he picked up my purse and went over to me. Then he hugged me. "Come on, babe. Let's get going," he started walking, dragging me with him. When we made it to the door, he let me go. "Put on your shoes," he instructed.

I crossed my arms and pouted. "You're mean, Min, Yoongi. You can't play those games on me! I thought that I needed to change. If you didn't come, I would have asked Kim, Tim, or Charlotte. They're nicer than you!" I complained. He stared at me before picking me up, and setting me down on my couch. "I was only joking. You don't have to take it so seriously. I hated that I stood you up last time, but I promise I'll never do that again," he said. When he was done, he looked at me. Then he picked me up again. "If you're not going to willingly come with me, I'm taking you by force," he threw me over his shoulder. "Yoongi-! I'm wearing a skirt!" I reminded. "I guess you're right," he firmly placed his hand over the edge of my skirt, which was conveniently near my butt. "This is so embarrassing," I covered my face.

~After a few hours~

Although I complained, I ended up having fun.

"Let's get something to eat," Yoongi suggested. I nodded since I was starting to starve.

He ordered us ice cream before we sat down. Then we started quietly enjoying our ice cream.

"I know your shoulder wasn't an 'accident,'" he broke the silence. "What do you mean? It was," I looked up. "On the same day, I saw you leave the dorms. I decided to follow you, and saw you were talking to someone. She threatened you and talked about your shoulder," he said. "What happened? Your neck has a new scar on it, and your arm has a mark."

I was shocked, since I had no idea he followed me. It was no surprise that he noticed it all.

"Do you remember that blind person Jungkook bumped into?" I asked. He nodded in response. "She was hired by Mimi to kill me. Tim knew about this, and that's why he was worried about me. But now, she's in prison so there's nothing to worry about," I explained vaguely as I could. Even if I was aware she was sentenced to a lifetime in prison, I was still paranoid. "That's why you were so paranoid. I can't believe she was using me against you," he said, "Do you want to know why I stood you up?"

I honestly forgot but I nodded in response. "When she used my name like a knife pressed against you, I knew I was only causing you pain. I was hoping that if I avoided you, maybe she'll stop using me for her desires. So when I was outside your door, I was too scared to go in," he said. I looked at him. "No, it's fine. It's not your fault. In fact, it's Mimi's fault. I wish she didn't do any of this," I replied. "Let's just let it go... She's in jail now, right?" I smiled, yet there was something about it.

The rest of the day, I enjoyed my time with Yoongi.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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