Chapter 22

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~A week later~

After getting off the plane, fans immediately surrounded BTS and me. They took pictures and asked us questions. I didn't answer them, and just smiled. When we got to the hotel, we fought for a room by playing rock-paper-scissors. Namjoon and I, luckily, got our own rooms. Well, he was going to share his room with Kim, of course. But I was also lucky, because I got a room next to Yoongi. Charlotte and the other staff members were on another floor. I was so excited for this tour. I wanted to make my fans happy, and give a good impression to ARMY.

At the moment, I was rummaging through my suitcase. There was a sudden knock on my door, making me jump. In return, I accidentally knocked my suitcase off my bed. My clothes spilled all over the ground. I sighed before heading to the door. When I noticed Yoongi was outside, I let him in.

"Aren't we lucky that we're neighbors?" he asked. I nodded before heading to the mess I made. "Did you knock over your suitcase?" he asked. "I did. I don't even know how it happened," I sighed. "You're so clumsy," he teased. I stuck out my tongue, "The sudden knock scared me and I accidentally knocked it over, okay? I'm not clumsy. I blame this on you." "How is that even possible?" he asked. I shrugged, and he chuckled. As I started putting my clothes back into my suitcase, Yoongi just sat on the bed. "Can you help me?" I asked. "Do you need help? I mean, you look like you're doing just fine without an extra hand," he joked. I glared at him. He chuckled before coming over to help me.

~After a few minutes~

It took a while, but everything was back in the suitcase and I put all my bathroom products in the bathroom. Yoongi gave up halfway and ended up lying on my bed. When he noticed I was done, he sprung up.

"Do you want to walk around?" he asked. "What if people see us? I'm sure a lot of people saw that article," I said. "We could bring Kim and Namjoon along," he suggested. "Okay, fine," I hesitantly said. He smiled at me before attempting to drag me out of the room. "Wait, Yoongi. I need to grab my phone," I said. "Hurry up," he released my arm.

After I grabbed my phone, we went to Namjoon's hotel room. After a few knocks, Kim greeted us with messy hair.

"Did you need something?" she asked, clearly tired. "Did you just wake up from a nap?" Yoongi asked. She nodded before scratching the back of her head. Then she let out a yawn. "Did you need something?" she asked again. "We wanted to know if you and Namjoon would like to wander around with us," Yoongi explained. "Namjoon, come here," she called. "What is it?" he walked to the door, confused. "Do you want to wander around?" she asked.

"I don't mind," he said after thinking. She turned to us, "He said he doesn't mind." I chuckled a little. Although we're standing in front of them, she still repeated his words. "I'll be back. I need to change," she walked off. "Don't worry, she won't take long," Namjoon leaned against the doorframe. "So did you need to sneak Kim into your hotel room?" I asked. He gave me a confused expression, "What do you mean?" "She doesn't know," Yoongi said very vaguely.

"Right, BigHit is aware of my relationship with her," Namjoon somehow caught on. "Really?" I asked, sort of shocked. He nodded, "Yeah, they've known for some time now. It's just I haven't told the fans yet." "Wait, and the entertainment is okay with it?" I asked. "Oh yeah, they're very supportive," he answered, "It's mainly because she keeps me focused on my work." "In short, they don't care because she's not a distraction," Yoongi said. I nodded in response. Soon enough, Kim came back. "Let's go?" she asked.

As we were leaving, Kim kept asking to go to a bookstore. We all agreed on the idea and started searching for one.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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