Chapter 58

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~Three months later~

It's been two years since Hyun got arrested. I had two peaceful years, and Mimi has yet to hire someone to hurt me. Maybe I should have been bothered by the absence. But I wasn't, I just enjoyed my time.

"So she hasn't done anything?" Tim asked. I nodded, "Not that I know of. Unless she sent a spy, then they haven't tried to harm me." "Maybe she gave up," he suggested. "I'm hoping that's the case. I don't want any of us getting hurt because of her," I said. "Can't we just forget about it? It's been two years, maybe she did give up," Kim said. "I don't think we can let our guard down yet," Tim replied, "It's true that it's been two years, but Mimi hates Miss L/N. I don't want to scare anyone, but I think it'll be better that we keep an eye out."

"You have a point, but nothing has happened so far," Kim replied, "You guys should head back in. I need to go." She waved and we waved back. "Do you think she'll do anything anytime soon?" I asked. "I don't know... but I guess we can relax a little," he answered. I nodded and we started heading back to the practice room.

~After a while~

I was in the middle of a break when BTS suddenly came in.

"What's going on?" I asked, startled. "Do you want to ditch this place and run away?" Yoongi asked. I scoffed before chuckling, "Run away?" "Yeah, let's elope and leave our title behind us to live a peaceful life," he joked. "Why are you guys actually here?" I asked, ignoring Yoongi's joke. "We're running away!" Jungkook shouted. "Shout a bit louder and your manager might hear you," I chuckled. "Guys, stop telling her that we're running away," Seokjin said.

"We're planning to go to the arcade today, and wanted to know if you wanted to join us," Namjoon explained the real reason. "The arcade? Don't you guys practice a lot? When did you guys find time for games?" I asked. "We need a break," Jimin answered. "I think the fans prefer us to take a break as well," Hoseok said. "But wouldn't we find fans there?" I asked. "We sort of rented the arcade for the night," Taehyung answered. "You guys shouldn't be doing that," I shook my head, disapprovingly. "Are you coming or not?" Yoongi asked. I pressed my lips together.

I agreed and went with them. "Won't our managers get mad?" I asked. "Stop being such a goodie-two-shoes," Jungkook nudged me. "I'm only asking because this is our job," I said. "We informed the managers, no worries," Namjoon assured. "We got lectured for it, but they relentlessly agreed in the end," Seokjin said.

~At the arcade~

After a while, fans started piling near the windows. They started taking pictures of us. "That's sort of creepy," I said. "We didn't rent the entire residence, so it was expected," Yoongi replied.

By the time we wanted to leave, the doors were crowded. I had to call Tim and ask him to bring security guards.

~Time: 10:00 P.M.~

After I finished reading the email I was on, I noticed there was a new email. I didn't know who it was; but they sent me a video. When I tapped on it, I was in shock. It was Mimi. She sent me a video while in prison.

"Hello, b****. How are you doing? I'm sure you've been enjoying yourself lately. After all, I let you have two peaceful years. I know, I'm very nice, but I hope you didn't get to relax," she said, "I might be in jail, but that doesn't matter." Then she smiled. "I'd like to make a deal with you. I'm sure you'll like to hear me out, since it involves Yoongi," she continued, "Let's play a little game. It's simple, we make a team and fight. Here's how it'll work. My dad and Yoongi will be waiting in a specific area. If your team gets to my dad first, I'll stop coming into your life. But if my team gets to Yoongi first, then he's mine forever. You can never see or talk to him again.

"Now be warned, this is a life or death situation. Our teams will be armed, and they might need to kill to get past. Both Yoongi and my dad will also be armed, allowing them to fight against anyone who does get to them. It's sort of like defending the flag, but it involves killing. That's simple enough, right? If you agree, your team will be given a month to train or whatever. If you decline, I'll dispose of you myself. I'll be waiting for your answer."

Then the video ended. I was really foolish to think it was over. My fear started piling up at an immeasurable rate.

"A life or death game..."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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