Chapter 52

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~Two weeks later~

I returned from the tour a few days ago.

Today was a rather hot day, and my dorm room was also hot, so I decided to wear a tank top. When I turned on the air conditioner, it didn't make much of a difference.

Once I put it on, I stared at myself in the mirror. "The wound is still healing, so you need to keep this on for a few more days. By the looks of it, there may be a faint scar," was what Kim told me. I sighed at the bandages. "I need to start working," I thought since my comeback was coming up.

~After a while~

After working for some time, I decide to take a break. But as I was about to start my break, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered. "Has she attempted anything yet?" he asked. "I don't she can since I'm busy, but I'm sure she'll make her move soon," I answered. "Don't forget what I told you," he said. "I'm trying my best to compose myself," I replied.

I talked to Tim for a while before the call ended. Then I started walking around my room, thinking of ways to avoid Hyun. Just then, the door opened. At first, I thought it was Charlotte. But then I remembered, she doesn't have a spare key. When I had that realization, Yoongi stepped in.

"Hey, I'm here to visit you for a while. Since I haven't seen you all day-" he paused. I quickly tried to cover the bandages. But it was too late, he noticed and immediately went over to me. "What happened to your shoulder?" he asked. I explained to him that it was an accident, and I could already tell that he wasn't convinced. "What accident?" he asked. I started thinking of things, but ended up with nothing. "I don't want to tell you..." I answered. He stared at me, unconvinced. But luckily, he dropped it. I felt relieved when he said, "Whatever, just spend some time with me."

~After a while~

After Yoongi left, I called Charlotte and asked her to come over. I changed my shirt, so Charlotte wouldn't question me. When she was here, I let her in.

"So you wanted to have lunch with me?" she asked. I nodded, "I haven't had your cooking in so long, so I was hoping you'll cook something." She smiled, "Do you want to eat something specific." "I'm fine with anything you make," I answered. She went to my fridge and started looking around, before looking at me in disappointment. "I'm taking you shopping," she said. "What? Why?" I asked. "You don't have enough ingredients to have a full meal, that's why!" she answered. "I'm an idol so I can't have full meals. After all, I need to keep my figure," I said.

She shook her head. "Let's go," she grabbed my arm that was injured, before tugging me. I winced in pain and pulled my arm away. She looked at me, shocked and confused. "Did something happen to your arm?" she asked. "I slept on it. When I woke up, it started hurting," I lied. "I'm sorry, I didn't know," she said. She started pushing me from behind instead. "Let's go. If I'm making you lunch, you're having a full meal. I'm not going to starve because you have a calories deficit diet," she said. I chuckled, "Okay, okay, but we're only buying ingredients that you need." "I might buy some more, and let you give into temptation," she joked.


After a while of working, I closed my laptop and carefully started stretching.

"I should head to bed," I charged my laptop. Then I got up and got a glass of water. As I was passing by my door, I saw something. "What is that?" I walked over. That's when I noticed an envelope. I stared at it for a while, knowing what it meant. "I should pretend I didn't see anything," I told myself.

As I was walking off, there was a loud bang on the door, making me jump. I started hearing that wicked laughter. Without any hesitation, I picked up the envelope.

"Meet me outside the dorms. I want to talk to you."

My mind immediately repeated Tim's words of Hyun "taking a liking" to me.

I put on a jacket and left.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

As I was coming back to the dorms, after a nice nighty stroll, I saw a familiar figure. When I looked closer, I noticed that it was Y/N. She looked like she was in a hurry.

"It's midnight... Where is she going in such a hurry?" I asked myself.

Maybe she wanted to clear her head. After all, she was talking about her comeback earlier today. Even so, I had this pit feeling in my stomach. I decided to follow her. When she made it outside, it looked like someone was waiting for her.

"I didn't see that person when I was coming back in..." I thought.

They talked for a while before the person started pulling Y/N. After following them, they walked into an alleyway.

"What... What is going on?" I questioned.

I tried to see who that unfamiliar figure was, but it was too dark. The only thing I could tell is that she was female.

"How's that shoulder treating you? It's a shame I couldn't cut it off and display it in my room," the female said. "She's the one who injured Y/N?! I knew it wasn't an 'accident!'" I thought.

I was about ready to go and attack that person.

"I hope you've been keeping your word, and keeping your mouth sealed. I saw that female enter your room earlier today. Did you say anything to her?" she asked. I could vaguely see Y/N shake her head. "Good girl. I guess that means you remember what I said. One slip up, and your precious boyfriend is dead," the female said.

That's when I stopped in my tracks. I stood here in shock.

"Is this what Y/N has been going through? She's doing all of this to protect me?" I started stumbling off.

What would happen if she spotted me? I don't know...

~Back to you~

After an earful from Hyun, I left the alleyway. She didn't do anything but threatened me, and I was more terrified than before.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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