Chapter 47

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Sorry for the lack of publishing, I got busy.

"Now that's what you call a psycho," Kim said. "Hyun is a little crazy, but she gets the job done. Even so, we can't take the threat lightly," Tim crossed his arms. "So what should we do?" she asked. "At this point, we can't really interfere," he answered. "You have a point. If we do, more lives will be in danger." "Don't worry, I don't plan on letting her harm you," he assured me. "We'll have to figure out a plan. But at the moment, we'll pretend we don't know anything. You'll have to keep an eye open," Kim said. "I agree, Hyun is sneaky. She may have a disability but she's capable of a lot of things. After all, she has been trained to kill. Her skills are beyond imaginable," Tim nodded, "But she still has her weaknesses."

"What exactly are her weaknesses?" I asked. "I can't name them at the moment, because I think someone is listening in," he whispered. I started listening, but I didn't hear anything. He made his way to the door. I looked over to Kim, and she looked like she noticed as well. "Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on? Is Kim secretly a spy as well?" I felt left out.

When Tim opened the door, it was just a random guy.

"I thought I request for no eavesdropping?" Tim asked. "I'm the one preventing that," the guy defended himself. "Did you hear anything?" Tim asked. "Of course not. I couldn't hear a thing since I had earbuds in," the guy assured, "I just got on shift, and I was just making my way here." "Alright, sorry for blowing up on you," Tim said. "It's no problem," the guy put back on his earbuds. Tim closed the door, "I think that's enough for today. Unless you have something else to tell us?" "I think that's all," I said.

~To the hotel~

I sighed as I entered the room. Yoongi was in bed, but he didn't look like he rested. He was anxiously hugging a pillow. When he heard the door open, he flung the pillow elsewhere. Then he quickly went to hug me.

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern. "I'm okay," I assured. "Tim had me worried when he rushed into the room telling us that you were in danger," he looked stressed. "I'm sorry he worried you, but he was worried just like you are now," I said, "He's my bodyguard for a reason." "Well he shouldn't send everyone else into a panic," he replied. I couldn't help but smile, "Let's go to sleep. I think we both need it."

He nodded and we laid in the bed. Shortly after, he fell asleep.

"He must have exhausted himself by worrying about me," I started drifting off to sleep as well.


"Yoongi?" I desperately started trying to find him.

As I continued to call his name, my voice became distant. It was like the voice didn't belong to me, like it was drifting away.

I continued to walk around in this colorful yet blurry world. That's when I came upon something. My eyes widened at the sight. There was a bloody corpse. More specifically, it was Yoongi's dead body.

I immediately ran over to him, but I couldn't do anything but stare. I was too frightened to move any closer. That's when I started crying.

"I told you to keep quiet," I heard, making me turn.

Hyun was there, but she was taller. Her eyes were red and dripping with blood. The colors that once filled the world melted away and was replaced with blood.

"I gave you warning, but you didn't listen," she started shrinking down while pulling out the knife, "Now it's your turn."

It was slow, like when she slowly put the knife away. She suddenly started running towards me. I tried to run but it was like my feet were glued to the floor.


I sprung up from my bed, sweating like crazy. "It was just a nightmare," I thought, sort of in relief.

I guess Yoongi and I slept for a long time since it was dark now.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I'm having nightmares now," I was sure the nightmare was some sort of warning.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. As I was washing my face, Yoongi stumbled in. He looked tired, and I noticed that he could barely open his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You left the bed..." he leaned against the doorframe to support himself. "I was just washing my face since I had a nightmare," I informed, "Do you want me to come back?" He immediately nodded in response. "Okay, I'll be there soon. Just go back to bed," I said. He nodded and stumbled back to bed.

When I finished splashing myself with water, I stared at myself in the mirror. I started thinking back to the nightmare.

"Is it a sign?" I questioned.

Now that I knew Hyun was watching my every move. I needed to be careful with what I did. Any wrong move and it could ruin everything.

"I need to be more careful, and keep an open eye," I slowly wiped my face with the towel. "Hurry up!" Yoongi interrupted my thoughts.

I quickly finished up and headed back to the bed. He quickly snuggled up to me.

"Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" he asked. "No, it's fine. I rather not talk about it because it was something silly," I said. "Are you sure?" he asked, and I nodded.

If I told him, I would need to give him details to why I had the nightmare.

"I should be the one who dies, not you," I watched him slowly fall back asleep.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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