Chapter 38

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~Two months later~

My manager called me in to talk to her.

When I walked into her office, I was shocked to see the manager of BTS there as well. "What's going on?" I asked. "We have something important to tell you," my manager said. I looked over at Tim, "Will I need to tell him to leave?" "No need, it's not that important to require people to leave," she answered, "For the important matter, there has been another high request made by the fans." "You'll be making a duet song with a BTS member," the manager of BTS informed. I smiled, excited to know who I was paired with. "I'm sure you'll be happy to know who you're paired up with," my manager said. "I'll be happy with any member," I replied.

He, the manager of BTS, laughed, "You're going to do a duet with Yoongi." A huge smile appeared on my face. "Ever since you announced your relationship, and after he returned, the fans have been requesting for a collaboration between you two. We hope that, after this song, you'll leave the fans wanting more," she joked. I chuckled in response. "But since you guys have a great bond, I'm sure we won't be disappointed," he said, and I smiled, "Yoongi told me that you should meet him in his studio." "Okay, I'll make sure not to disappoint," I bowed. "I know you won't, but don't forget to have fun," my manager said. I happily skipped to Yoongi's studio as Tim followed behind me.

~At Yoongi's Studio~

"I'll be out here," Tim informed. I nodded, "I'll be out when I'm done." He nodded in response. I walked into the room before closing the door behind me. When Yoongi turned around in his chair, he was wearing sunglasses and petting a notebook. "I've been expecting you," he attempted a deep voice. "Why a notebook?" I laughed. "I couldn't find anything else! Unless you wanted me to pet my shampoo bottle," he started laughing with me. "Can you believe it? Our fans want us to do a duet!" I flew towards the beanbag, "This is the best day ever."

"They only want it because, thanks to a little someone, they know we're dating," he smiled. I rolled my eyes, "I thought it'll give a sense of motivation if they knew. Well, I knew they would do everything they could, but I was desperate." "Okay, fair enough," he nodded. "Shall we begin?" I asked. "What is the concept?" Yoongi asked back. I stared at the ceiling and started brainstorming. "How about a love song?" I suggested. "Okay, that's easy. I do all the kissing, you sit there, sitting," he joked. "No, Yoongi," I rolled my eyes. He chuckled, "You know I was only joking. Let's start on the beat and then we can write the lyrics."

~A few hours later~

"I kind of wrote about the time we've spent together," I said. "You were really concentrating," Yoongi replied. "I was thinking about writing all the things I had to go through to be with you," I said, "So in the future, I can listen back and reminisce." He leaned back in his chair. "I like that idea. We can compose a song that our future kids will listen to," he smiled. I started blushing at his words. "F-Future kids?" I stuttered, "Aren't you thinking too far in the future?" "No way. I'm only thinking about the near future," he teased. "Even so, there's a long path ahead of us," I said, shyly. "I agree, there will definitely be a lot of obstacles and challenges," he nodded, "But as long as you're with me, I don't need to worry because I know I can get through anything with you." He smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Should we start writing the rough draft?" I asked. "Oh, I completely forgot," Yoongi patted his lap, "Come sit here so we can go through the lyrics together." "O-On your lap?" I blushed again. "Will it make you feel uncomfortable? Would you like to stand instead?" he asked. "N-No, It's fine," I stood up before sitting on his lap. "Are you comfortable?" he asked, twirling his chair to face his laptop screen. I nodded my head in response. "If you ever get uncomfortable, let me know. I don't want you to feel like I'm pressuring you to do this," he said, and I nodded again. I placed my laptop down. "Just scroll up and read what I have, and I'll do the same with yours," he instructed.

~More hours later~

As we were writing the rough draft, we tried our  best to create imagery. "How about we take a break?" Yoongi suggested. I nodded before my stomach growled. "I think we should get lunch," he chuckled. "I agree," I said, slightly embarrassed. Then we left the studio. "We're going to get lunch. Would you like to eat anything, Tim?" I asked. He shook his head, "Thank you for the offer but I'm fine." "Come on, let me buy you something. You're always following me everywhere, this is the least I can do," I said. He smiled, immediately giving up, "I've been craving a hamburger lately." "Okay, we'll be back. You can take a break as well," I informe, and he nodded. "What do you think about him?" Yoongi asked. "I couldn't ask for a better bodyguard. He's really great," I answered. "That's good to hear. Without Mimi, he isn't a jerk," he said, "Now that I think about it, he did keep me company when Mimi was going crazy."

"I wonder why Tim wanted to stay with Mimi for so long..." I started thinking.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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