Chapter 65

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~A week later~

Today was the last day Yoongi and I will be in Daegu. We had to go back to Seoul for our job. Today may be the last day, but my parents made sure it'll be fun. We were going to revisit a lot of places that Yoongi and I went to as children, and capture the moment since we're grown ups now.

I waited for Yoongi to finish taking a shower. When he was done, I took a shower. After I was done, we waited for our parents. His parents arrived a few minutes after, then my parents came down the stairs.

"Okay, let's go!" my dad said.

~At Palgongsan Park~

"Remake this photo," my mom handed me a photo. We looked at it. "Awe, you were so cute back then," he nudged me. "You're one time talk. Look at that chubby lil face!" I started laughing. "Hey, stop making fun of me," he started dragging me.

We remade the photo and continued walking around, while occasionally taking photos.

"Okay, let's go to our next location," my dad said. "Where are we going now?" Yoongi asked, since he was driving. "Aspan park," my dad answered.

~At Aspan Park~

When we made it, we started hiking. Then we were met with horses.

"You two should go horseback riding together," Yoongi's mom suggested. "Since I'm the knight, I can steer," I said. "Okay, Miss Knight. Save me from the wicked princess," Yoongi joked. I got on, and then helped him up. "Hold on tight," I said.

The horse gradually started galloping. Our parents were taking photos like no tomorrow.

"This reminds me of when I used to steer the horse. Every time we rode a horse, you were always scared. You'll always clench onto me so tightly," Yoongi said. I couldn't decide whether or not he was making fun of me. "Now look at you, you're an actual knight," he chuckled, "I guess you live up to your past, huh?" "I'm just saving you, princess- I mean, prince," I giggled.

Then I stopped the horse. We switched spots so Yoongi could steer. After that, we insisted our parents should give it a try. We took photos of them as well. Then we started hiking again.

"Isn't there archery?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure it's this way," he grabbed my hand and directed me. Then we were met with an archery place. "Let's make a bet. Whomever doesn't get a bullseye first has to pay for lunch," I said. "Deal," Yoongi agreed. Then we started. "Don't you remember how we would always get a bullseye but Mimi never did?" he asked. "Yeah, she would always whine to our parents," I rolled my eyes. "After a while, it got annoying. I'm pretty sure that's why we stopped coming here," Yoongi said.

Then I got a bullseye. "What's that? It looks like your amazing girlfriend got a bullseye!" I pumped my hand into the air. "That's my daughter!" my parents cheered. "I guess you're paying for lunch," I said. "You're really living up to that knight stuff," he rolled his eyes, "I would have never won against you." He started walking off to retrieve the arrows.

~Night time~

Yoongi was taking a shower. I opened my suitcase and pulled out a box. This is the place where I want to propose to him. I wasn't sure if he was planning the same, but I did some snooping around and concluded that he wasn't. Then I pulled out a DVD. It was a song I sang just for him, and it was full of pictures of us together.

I rushed downstairs before he left the bathroom. Then I asked our parents to join us. After he finished showering, I called him down. When he was downstairs, I patted the spot next to me.

"What's going on?" he asked.

When he sat down, I pressed play. The entire time, I was getting nervous, but I could tell he enjoyed it. At the end our parents clapped, and Yoongi hugged me.

"That's so sweet of you. I can't believe you wrote me a song," he said. I pulled away, and grabbed the box I was hiding. "Min, Yoongi," I stood out and held out my hand. He took it and stood up as well. Then I kneeled down. "No, babe!" he was trying to get me to stand up. "This isn't supposed to work like this. A knight shouldn't be proposing to a prince. The prince always marries the princess. But in our storybook, we have a plot twist. We've known each other since we were babies, and we've been together since. When you said I was your princess, I knew I wanted nothing more than to be with you. Will you let me your queen in shining armor and marry me?" I asked.

Everyone was holding their breath at the moment.

"I should be the one on my knee right now, not you," he said, "It's not fair." Even with his complaint, he couldn't help but smile. "You're already my princess, so why not be my queen?" he asked. "So is that a yes?" I asked. "Of course it is, silly," he leaned down and kissed me. I smiled and stood up. Then I slipped the ring on his finger. Our parents cheered loudly. "You two need to stay one more day so we can celebrate together," Yoongi's dad said. Yoongi looked at me, and I nodded in response.

Welcome to the ending!
It's sort of a happy ending... ^^;
Thank you so much for reading the story, I appreciate it!
The original story was rushed, so that's why everything happened so fast.
I hoped you enjoyed!

Here we are again:
Quarantine times~

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