Chapter 32

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~A year later~

It's been a year. Yoongi hasn't been found and Kim hasn't returned. The search team and ARMY have made no progress. After hearing about my relationship with Yoongi, people supported me. They would send gifts and cards to cheer me up. As time continued on without Yoong, I learned how to handle it on my own. Even so, it never hurt to let a few tears go.

The only reason why it's been hard to find Yoongi is because they keep moving their location. At some point, they started going back to places they've already been to. Now it was all up to guessing where they might go next. The search team is trying their best by scanning every city, while hoping they might get lucky one day. I started joining the search as well, because sitting around and crying wasn't helping anyone. I hope he'll be found one day.

"Happy one year anniversary, Yoongi," I looked up at the sky, "Wherever you may be." "He's not dead," Charlotte approached me, making me chuckle. "I know he's not," I said. She started leaning against the railing. "I can't believe it's already been a year," she sighed. "I know... It's weird to think that a year ago I was writing depressing songs and crying myself to sleep," I replied. "It's disappointing that we haven't gotten any further news on those two..." she said.

She was right, no one had any leads on where they could be. The only things people could provide was theories and ideas.

"BTS hasn't had the same spirit as they would if Yoongi was here. I'm glad they got back to making music after taking a break. They seem to be a little better now," Charlotte said, "If I were them, I would take a break too."

Even though Yoongi is my boyfriend, I knew BTS was suffering more than I was. The news hit them the hardest. ARMY was the only reason they started back up again.

I started scanning the streets. There were missing posters everywhere, showing how much they cared. Everyone around the world was contributing. I thought that, since the whole world was helping, it'll be faster, but it wasn't any easier. Mimi had planned this all in detail. She probably knew everyone would eventually be involved. Even so, it made me happy to know everyone, even those who didn't know Yoongi, wanted to help. Whenever we didn't get any further insight, I kept telling myself to have hope and believe that he will return one day. As the world is looking for Yoongi, we trick Kim into believing that we aren't looking for her. The truth is that a search team is out there looking for her too.

"Do you think they're safe?" I continued scanning. Charlotte shrugged, "If I have to be honest, I don't know. Kim would be fine if she wasn't risking her life. As for Yoongi, who knows. He's stuck with that crazy woman." "You're right..." I said. We stood there in silence for a while. "I should start heading out. I have a fansign soon," I said. She nodded, "I'll get the car ready." When she left, I sighed. "Wherever you are, I hope you're both safe and okay," I thought, "Yoongi the whole world is looking for you right now. Kim, if I knew you were going to risk your life, I wouldn't have let Charlotte drive off so easily." A light breeze passed me. "We'll get the both of you back soon. Then we can be happy and at ease," I started heading out.


I smiled and waved at my fans. "How are you feeling?" one fan asked. "I've been doing okay lately," I answered, "Thank you for asking." Then I paused. "I just want to thank everyone for helping us during these hard times. I'm also very grateful all of you took that horrible timing of a relationship announcement nicely," I smiled brightly. Then I felt a rush of sadness run over me.

"I'm so grateful to have all of you, because you've been with me during the hardest times in my life. You've supported me and pitched in for Yoongi's disappearance, and it just means a lot to me. Thank you, and I love you all so much," I cried. My fans started worrying about me, but I continued to thank them for everything. "I really can't express how thankful I am to all of you. The fact everyone tells me it'll be okay is so heartwarming. From the bottom of my heart, thank you," I grabbed the tissues a staff member was offering.

I couldn't stop thanking them.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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