Chapter 3

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~The next morning~

I sprung up from my bed once my alarm started going off. After scratching the back of my head, I turned off my alarm. Then I headed to the bathroom. I splashed my face with water before heading to the kitchen. As I was making pancakes, I let out an exhausted yawn. When I finished cooking, I placed them on a plate. I placed the pan into the sink before eating. When I realized I forgot to get a drink, I got one and continued to eat. After I finished eating, I washed the dishes. I went back into my room and grabbed my clothes. Then I headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth before taking a shower.

~After a while~

When I finished taking a shower, I did my hair. I went into my room and started gathering everything I needed. Then I put them into my backpack. I grabbed my laptop, and placed it into my backpack. Then I grabbed my phone and put on my backpack. When I made my way to my kitchen, I grabbed my lunchbox and water bottle. Before leaving my dorm, I put on my mask. After locking the door, I headed to the elevator. I patiently waited after pressing the button. When the doors started opening, I peered through the small opening. I was hoping to see Yoongi or someone, but, as usual, the elevator was empty. I sighed in relief but also in disappointment.

As I waited for the elevator to bring me to the lobby, people started piling in. When we were in the lobby, they started rushing out. Although everyone was in a rush, I wasn't. It was just a normal day for me. I'm just heading to work, and Yoongi still doesn't know that I'm right under his nose.

When I exited the building, I headed towards the car. "Everything's still the same... nothing has changed," I told myself. "Good morning, Miss L/N," Charlotte greeted me when I entered, "Did anything interesting happen yesterday?" When I put on my seatbelt, I noticed she was patiently waiting for an answer.

"Good morning. Actually... something did happen. I ran into Yoongi yesterday, but-" before I could finish, Charlotte suddenly pressed on the gas pedal before slowing down. "Charlotte-!" I grabbed the safety handle. "I'm sorry about the abrupt change in speed. I got excited," she said in a happy tone, "Please tell me what happened." "He... well, he didnt recognize me... He was being rude because I was a 'stranger' to him," I explained. She quickly looked over at me before looking back at the road. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe it's because you've grown so much. That's probably why he can't recognize you," she suggested. "Do you think so? I think I look the same as I did back in high school," I said.

"Did you get a chance to talk to him?" she asked. "I did- well, I, more or less, kept apologizing to him. He kept giving me this annoyed stare, so I was too scared to have an actual conversation with him. But since I wanted to tell him I missed him, I tried to reach out to him," I sighed, "He remembered me and everything but I wasn't able to tell him..." "I told you he'll remember you," she said, "It's just your fear that keeps holding you back." "I went into my dorm and started crying. I hated that I just froze in my spot and couldn't tell him," I explained. "Try to be more confident in yourself. Now that you know he misses you, you need to have the confidence to approach him," she parked the car.

I stared at Charlotte for a while. "As always, thank you for the ride," I said as a smile started forming. She smiled back, "Have a nice day at work. Don't forget to have confidence in yourself." I let out a chuckle before getting out of the car. I waved to her as she drove off. After a while, I started heading towards the entrance. Once I entered, I was immediately greeted by the staff. I greeted them back before quickly going to room twenty-four. When I approached the room, I hesitated to open the door. I quickly shook away my nervousness and opened it. To my surprise, no one was in the room. I sighed in relief before entering it. As the door slowly closed behind me, I looked around.

Although I've practiced in this room once or twice, this is the first time I'm actually looking around. There were chairs set up. Two chairs, probably for the managers, were facing a row of chairs. I started counting the amount of chairs. "There's eight chairs," I sat down on the chair all the way on the left, "Maybe I'm collaborating with a group or..." I started thinking of all the possible idols my fans wanted me to collaborate with. My manager mentioned a boy group, and one specific group popped into my head. "Is there a possibility that..." I started thinking even more.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when the door started opening. I thought it was the manager who entered, but, to my shock, it was Yoongi. "Why is he here? Did he enter the wrong room or something?" I questioned. I kept staring at him. When he saw me, he immediately stared at me in annoyance. "Why are you here?" he asked in an irritated tone.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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