Chapter 49

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~At night~

"Yoongi, you can take a shower now," I stepped out of the bathroom. "Let me just finish this up," his attention was completely glued to his phone.

As I was walking to the bed, I noticed something. It looked like someone slid an envelope under the door crack. I went over there before staring at it. Then I crouched down to pick it up. When it was in my hand, I started analyzing it. That's when I noticed the words "From: Hyun."

My eyes widened. I opened it with shaky hands. When it was open, I was too scared to pull out the piece of paper. I took a deep breath before pulling it out. After I finished reading the note, I stood up. Then I walked over to Yoongi.

"Hey... I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll be back soon," my hands started to crumble the paper out of fear.

I was scared someone would figure out.

Yoongi looked up from his phone.

"Why do you look tense?" he placed his phone face down on the bed. "I'm not," I assured with a smile, but I could feel myself shaking. He stared at me for a while, unsure. "Be safe and come back soon," he finally said. I nodded and turned to leave.

"Meet me in the lobby, and be sure to come alone. You better come, or else."

~At the lobby~

As I stepped out of the elevator, I noticed Ginger. Then Hyun appeared in front of me. "So you've decided to come after all," she smiled. "I didn't have much of a choice," I said. She grabbed my arm, "Poor thing, that letter must have really scared you. I mean, you're shaking a lot."

I pulled my arm away from her. The letter had shaken me up. But being face to face with the person who wants to kill me, is the reason I'm shaking so badly.

"Come on, follow me. We can't keep stalling," she started leaving. Then she stopped and turned her head. "You came alone, right?" she asked. "That's right..." I answered.

I couldn't even give her eye contact because hearing her was scary enough.

"Good," she smiled before walking again.

I followed behind her, and she led me to an alleyway. She didn't stop giving me that creepy smile. Due to how creepy it was, I just looked down at my feet.

"What's the matter?" she asked, making me jump.

For the past few minutes, Hyun and Ginger have been dead quiet. All she was doing was creepily smiling at me, enjoying the fear I was emitting off.

"You've been such a good girl. Always listening to me. But I guess if it involves your boyfriend, you'll do anything," she said.

It felt unfair she was using Yoongi to make me listen to every order.

"Aren't I the one you want? Why do you keep dragging him into this? He has nothing to do with it," I asked.

I felt my anger taking over my fear.

"Why?" she asked back, "Because if I don't, it won't be as fun to kill you." "What do you mean?" I asked. "You care about him, and you'll do anything to keep him safe. You're shaking right now because of me, but it's also because you don't want him dead," she explained. "What's your point?" I asked. "Wouldn't it be so much fun to watch someone die protecting their loved one?" she started laughing. It gradually got louder as she continued.

"If you kill Yoongi, wouldn't Mimi be mad?" I asked.

She stopped laughing. I finally found something she didn't think about.

"You're right... I forgot about that..." she muttered. "So if you kill him, you're going against her wishes," I said. "Oh well, I could care less about her. I may be loyal to her, but she's just a pest. She thinks she's in control, but, little does she know, she's my little pawn," she smiled, "If I killed Yoongi, she can't do anything. Since I'm blind, no one would suspect a thing, meaning I could play my innocent role." She started laughing again. "How cruel..." I muttered, "You do whatever you want, and you don't think about the others around you."

"That's right. I don't care, but I'll pretend I do," she smiled, "As long as I work under Miss Mimi, all the crimes I commit aren't investigated. But I don't need her help because no one would suspect me." "If she killed Yoongi, and Mimi got mad, people won't think she did it because she has a disability. Even though she could use it as her advantage against others, she's relying on Mimi at the moment," I couldn't help but feel bad for Mimi. Hyun was manipulating her, and she doesn't even know it.

"Why did you ask me to meet you? Surely it wasn't just to ask me questions, right?" I regretted my question. "You're correct. I didn't lead you here to ask questions. Instead, I brought you here to kill you," she grinned, "I thought it'll be really nice for someone to find your dead body in an alleyway. It'll be like a regular murder mystery that, in the end, will be taken care of by Miss Mimi."

When she pulled out the knife, I started trembling just looking at it.

"Is this really it? Am I going to die right here?" I asked myself. I regretted not secretly bringing someone, because now I'm going to die.

I started looking around for an escape route. That's when I noticed a ladder.

"If I run to it, and climb it, she won't be able to catch me, right?" I thought.

I was wrong to underestimate her. When I attempted to climb the ladder, she already latched onto my leg. Then she pulled me down, making me fall on the floor.

"Did you really think you could escape that easily? Why would you underestimate my skills?" she jumped on top of me, "Where should I start? Maybe I can enjoy this and kill you slowly, so I listen to your muffled screams."

Then she stabbed my shoulder. I nearly screamed but she covered my mouth.

"Be quiet now. You don't want to draw in attention, do you? It'll be really troublesome for the both of us," she happily grinned.

This is it, this is where I die.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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