Chapter 45

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Warning ⚠️: The next few chapters contain blood and violence. If you're sensitive to that kind of stuff, I suggest you skip ahead to chapter 55.

"You're the person my friend bumped into yesterday," I started approaching Hyun. Her dog started barking, startling me. "It's okay, Ginger. She means no harm," she started petting her dog, who eventually stopped barking, "I'm sorry about him. He's really cautious when it comes to unfamiliar people, since people tend to take advantage of me due to my disability." The smile she was giving me made me feel uncomfortable. "That's why Ginger is here, he protects me," her smile turned into something menacing. "I understand what you mean..." I smiled back unsurely. She nodded, "Why don't you take a seat? I'd like to talk with you." She used her cane to tap the seat in front of her.

I sat down as asked. For a long time, she just stared at me. "You must be good at convincing people, since my manager agreed to this private fansign," I said. "Is this your first private fansign?" she asked. "That's right..." I answered.

I stared at her. I had this gut feeling that I shouldn't trust her. Even though she didn't seem dangerous, she was sweet, but I felt uncomfortable.

"I have to agree with you, I am good at convincing people," her smile widened before relaxing again, "Let's get straight to the point." I looked at her in confusion. "I have a present for you over there," she pointed at the table across from us. "You didn't have to," I got up to get it. "Oh no, I insist. After all, I am a fan," she said, emphasizing the word 'fan.' I started unwrapping the gift. When it was open, I was left in shock. "A knife...?" I thought. "Do you like it?" I heard.

When I looked up, I noticed that she was at the door. She was so quiet that I didn't even hear her. Her dog didn't make a sound either, like he knew her intentions. The room suddenly felt tight, and I felt like I was suffocating. It's like I fell into a trap.

"It's different and thoughtfult..." I choked out while smiling uncomfortably. Then the door clicked. "Did you just lock the door?" I asked. Hyun has a creepier smile on her face. "Sadly, that knife isn't meant for you. It's meant to be dug into your heart," she started approaching me.

~Tim's P.O.V.~

I rushed into the dressing room. "Where is Miss L/N?" I urgently asked as I caught my breath. I had to run all the way over here to protect her. "At the moment, she's having a private fansign. Why do you want to know?" Charlotte asked. "She's in danger," I quickly informed. "What do you mean?" Yoongi immediately sprung up. "We need to interfere with that meeting before anything happens," I said. I avoided telling them Hyun's intentions since it might freak them out some more. "Does anyone know where the fansign is taking place?" I asked. "I do, follow me," Charlotte started leading the way and I quickly followed.

The others ended up followed as well, and I didn't stop them since it'll probably help in this situation.

"What will happen if we're too late?" Kim nonchalantly asked me. I hesitated to tell her, but the look she was giving me told me she was pushing for answers. "She might die..." I quietly answered. She didn't react to the news at all. "Let me guess, this is Mimi's doing," she said. I nodded, "That's why we need to intervene before anything."

~Your P.O.V.~

Hyun snatched the knife out of my hands. Then she started turning it from side to side, like she was admiring it. "I've said it before, but people take me for granted because I'm blind. That's why they left us unsupervised. It's a great advantage for me, but it's a shame for you," she started coming closer to me, "Do you think dropping my 'business card' was an accident? I planned all of that, so I could subtly introduce you to... death," she started with small laughs before they got more wicked.

I kept backing away as she kept getting closer to me. "So I wasn't imagining anything... she must have been following me," I continued backing away. That's when Ginger tripped me. I stared up at Hyun in fear. "I guess this is where your life ends. Should I get Miss Mimi a souvenir?" she asked nonchalantly, "Your head might be a nice one, or your hand." She dropped to the floor. The knife started coming closer to me. "So Mimi did hire someone, but now she's trying to kill me?" I asked.

I was too scared to do anything. I was shaking and I could barely stay still. If it weren't for her eyes, I wouldn't have assumed she was blind. The way she did things just made it seem like she could see.

~Tim's P.O.V.~

When we made it to the room, I tried to open the door. But the doorknob wouldn't budge because it was locked. I started knocking on the door.

"Miss L/N?" I called out.

The room was quiet. I would have been convinced if someone told me no one was in there.

~Your P.O.V.~

"Miss L/N?" I heard Tim's voice, giving me a sense of relief. The knife was really close to me. "Y-Yes?" I stuttered. "Your manager wanted to talk to you," he said. "I-I'll be out there in a second," I looked at Hyun. "It's a shame we can't continue. I would have loved to see your expression when you died," she smiled creepily again, "But since I've been interrupted, it looks like we have to end it here. You got lucky this time. But next time, it'll end with a lot of blood." She stood up.

"If you tell anyone, your precious boyfriend will die too," she warned."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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