Chapter 5

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While BTS and I were socializing, Yoongi was on his phone. He kept glancing at me before looking back at his phone, and I kept nervously glancing back at him. "Don't worry about him. Yoongi tends to be shy around new people. At first, he'll come off as annoyed or rude, but he'll eventually warm up to you," Jimin assured after noticing my nervous glances. "If you say so.." I said. "I think you remind him of someone," Namjoon randomly said. "Is that so? If you don't mind me asking, who would that be?" I asked. "I think we should ask Yoongi whether or not he's okay with us telling you," Seokjin said, "After all, it's his personal life."

"Don't worry about it too much. It's not like we're telling some crazy fan," Namjoon said, "Your name is similar to Yoongi's childhood best friend. After high school, he left her without a word to pursue his dreams. Since then, he never stops telling us how great she is. That's why we reacted the way we did when you introduced yourself, because we thought you were maybe his best friend." "He talks about me..." I thought. "What I'm saying is that he misses her and wants to meet her again. We were just hoping you were his best friend. How crazy is that, right?" he chuckled.

"Yeah. how crazy," I chuckled. "I think that's enough talking for today. Let's start on the collaboration," Namjoon said. "Finally," Yoongi groaned. He stood up and started stretching. "That's the Yoongi I know... and still love," I smiled as I watched him. "Should I make an attempt to warm up to him?" I asked myself. I started thinking about all the bad outcomes. My fear immediately held me back again. Just then, Charlotte's words repeated in my mind. "Try to be more confident in yourself. Now that you know he misses you, you need to have confidence to approach him." "That's right. He misses me and wants to see me again. Plus, I'm right here. I just need to find a way to convince him that I'm not a crazy fan," I started confidently making my way to him.

I was pushing all of my fears away. But midway through, I stopped in my tracks. My fear started devouring me again. I was so close. If I could just walk a few more feet, I could talk to him. After a while, I felt something. I pulled down my mask and continued to slowly make my way to him. It was like Yoongi, from high school, was pushing me forward. "Please, talk to me... I really miss you." It sounded like a faint whisper to me. When I approached him, I wasn't sure what to say. All I did was tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see who it was. "Yoongi... I missed you too," I whispered. He stared at me, confused. "You're crazy," he turned around and started walking.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

As I was walking away, I covered my mouth. "Is that really Y/N?" I glanced over my shoulder. She was standing there with a sad yet disappointed expression. "Why did I say that to her?" I questioned, "Maybe it's because she did it so suddenly, so I didn't know how to react." Her expression started to fade. "I don't know what to believe right now," I started contemplating, "Is she really here? At that, is she really an idol?"

~Your P.O.V.~

I sighed in disappointment. "Yeah... I should have expected that," I thought. Just then, the younger members approached me. "Namjoon wants to know what your talents are," Jimin said. I stared at them for a while, since I was still dumbfounded by what happened earlier. "Oh... I can sing, rap, and dance," I answered. "That's awesome!" Taehyung nodded his head, clearly impressed. "We should get going. The others are waiting for us," Jungkook suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me off. "Since I'm the person who normally writes songs, we can discuss what we'll write about after we get the beat," Namjoon explained. "I can help you with the lyrics," I said, making him smile. "It's fine, I can do it myself," he replied.

"I insist. After all, I want to help," I said. "Okay, if you insist," he replied. "I'll help as well," I turned to see who said that. "Yoongi also helps write the lyrics," Seokjin said. "What about all of you?" Namjoon asked, and they shook their heads. "I think the three of you will do just fine without us," Hoseok said. "Oh right! Y/N can sing, rap, and dance," Jimin blurted out. "Okay, enough talk. Let's make a beat so we can get going on lyrics!" Hoseok said in an excited tone.

~After an hour~

"Okay that's enough for the beat," Namjoon said. We produced a little snippet of the song through Yoongi's laptop. "We'll add more to it if we feel like it," Yoongi said. I nodded, "We should call the others over so we can discuss what we want the song to be about." Namjoon nodded and called them over.

~After thirty minutes~

After we discussed what we wanted to write about, I grabbed my laptop and headphones. I sat back down near Namjoon and Yoongi. "Okay, let's get started," Namjoon said, Yoongi and I nodded. I started writing the lyrics while listening to the small beat. Namjoon told us to just write whatever comes to our minds. Afterwards, we'll look over our lyrics and combine them.

~An hour later~

After I finished, I started stretching. I looked around, before noticing Namjoon and Yoongi also finished. "Yoongi, do time remember how we used to write lyrics together?" I asked myself, like he could hear my thoughts. That's when I suddenly remembered him calling me crazy and walking away without a care in the world. My heart ached at the memory. "With or without the mask... he just doesn't recognize me," I thought. "Is everyone done?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi and I nodded in response. "Let's see what we have," Namjoon motioned me over to sit in between them. I moved my chair before sitting back down. "Since you're in the middle, you can show us your lyrics first," he said, and I nodded. "After that, we can switch seats so we don't have to lean over each other," Yoongi yawned. "Good idea," Namjoon agreed.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

"Maybe reading her lyrics can tell me whether or not this is the Y/N I know... I just hope her writing style hasn't changed," I thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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