Chapter 42

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I've been paranoid ever since I got that text. I started looking around more often, and felt too scared to be alone. Yoongi and Charlotte would have to come around and comfort me before the tour.

Now that I'm on a plane, I could feel a pit forming in my stomach.

"What if the person strikes during the flight? It'll endanger everyone on here," I anxiously looked around.

I cared about everyone who was on this flight, even if I didn't know most of them. If I was going to get attacked, I would prefer it to happen while I was alone. I didn't want to endanger anyone's life.

Then I started thinking about dying which scared me even more.

To distract myself, I looked out of the window. "What's wrong?" Yoongi asked. "I thought you fell asleep," I looked at him. "Not really... I was just resting my eyes," he turned to me with his eyes still shut, "Now what's wrong?" "What do you mean? It's nothing," I looked down at my fingers. "Don't play dumb with me. I know when you're stressed about something. I've been with you for most of my life so I can tell when something is wrong. Now stop lying and tell me," he said. "I was thinking about how I'd rather be attacked while I'm alone, since I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me."

When he finally opened his eyes, he didn't look happy. "Why would you ever think about that?" he asked. I fell quiet as I thought about what to say. "I don't know... I just have this feeling-" I started off. "Please don't think like that," he interrupted me, "Do you know how much pain I'll be in if you died? I wouldn't know what to do without you." I heard his voice crack. Now I felt bad for making him imagine a world without me. "I'm sorry..." I pulled him into a hug.

~After landing~

Yoongi and I decided to share a room.

I was sitting on the bed, looking through my emails. After a long silence, there was a knock on the door. Yoongi got up to answer it, and I leaned over to see who it was.

"Did you need something?" he asked, while I was desperately trying to see who it was. But he was standing in the way, so I couldn't see. "Everyone wanted to know if you guys wanted to tour this place. We're planning to stop by a restaurant and get food as well," I heard Seokjin say. "What do you think?" Yoongi turned to me. "I don't mind," I answered. "We'll meet in the lobby, and leave as soon as everyone is there," Seokjin informed. "I should tell Tim," I grabbed my phone to text him. "I'll meet you in the lobby," he replied quickly. After that, I texted Charlotte as well.

As I was getting ready, Yoongi got some rest. After I was done, we went to the elevator and started waiting.

"This reminds me of when we first met," he reminisced. "Wow, has it been that long?" I chuckled a bit, and he nodded. "I thought you were some crazy fan, and I kept getting annoyed by you," he said. "After that elevator ride, I cried a lot. But I guess you're used to making me cry, right?" I joked. He immediately went quiet. "I would never intentionally make you cry. I wish I didn't make you cry because you mean a lot to me. It really hurts me to see you cry," he slowly said, "Just remember that I love you, even if I don't tell you everyday."

His words made my heart ache. He was making me feel bad for even joking about it. It looked like the time being Mimi's hostage made him more sensitive and fragile.

"It hurts even more when I'm the reason why you cried," he muttered, "It makes me hate myself because I just want to see you happy." I quickly went to hug him. "I'm sorry, Yoongi. That was a really bad joke. I know you want to make me happy. But you don't need to worry about it too much because, as long as you're with me, I'll always be happy," I assured. He hugged me back. Then the elevator door started opening. "Break it off," Jungkook said loudly. We stopped hugging and left the elevator. "Why do you have to ruin the moment?" Yoongi snapped at him. "Calm down, there's no need to fight," Kim stood between them. "Yes, please. I already have a headache," Namjoon rubbed his temples with his forefingers.

"Will a kiss make you feel better?" Seokjin asked. Namjoon stared at him, "No thank you." "Maybe my magical kisses will make you feel better," Hoseok went to Namjoon's side. "Or maybe my powers can help you," Taehyung suggested. Every member went over to their leader. They started trying to kiss Namjoon as he tried to push them away. I couldn't help but laugh. "What a weird family," I thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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