Chapter 8

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~Three days later~

~Narrator's P.O.V.~

"Yoongi, stop! You're supposed to be doing something," Y/N pointed at Yoongi's laptop in mid laughter. "What's up with them?" Taehyung asked, "Just the other day, Yoongi was acting cold towards her." "Who knows... They've been more interactive and giggly with each other lately. It's kind of scary," Jungkook replied. "Maybe they started dating. I'm so happy for him," Hoseok said. "Maybe Yoongi got more comfortable being with her," Jimin suggested. "No, that's not it. On the second day, they were chatting like they were old friends," Seokjin pointed out. The members started thinking back. "You're right! What happened between them?" they questioned.

~An hour later~

~Your P.O.V.~

After I finished demonstrating, I started stretching. "It looks good," Namjoon nodded. "We might have to change some moves up so it's less complicated," Hoseok said. "I agree. Seokjin might mess up," Jimin nodded in agreement. "I can do that move just fine," Seokjin started randomly dancing. We laughed as he made a fool of himself.

I made an animated choreography since we needed a dance for the music video, but it's probably going to be performed once. As they were critiquing it, I listened carefully.

"Have you practiced these moves on your own?" Hoseok turned to ask me. "I did," I answered. "You can teach us the moves then," he said. I nodded in response before they started walking off. "This will be interesting," Yoongi said after the others left. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Don't you remember? When we were younger, you sucked at dancing," he laughed. "Hey, don't make fun of me!" I playfully punched him in the arm. "Hey, don't hit me. It's not my fault you couldn't do the electric slide without tripping over your own feet," he continued to laugh.

I glared at him for a while. "Jerk!" I stormed off, "I'll show him! I'll show him I can dance." I stood in front of the members. "Okay, first. I'll put you in your positions," I started directing them while helping them move around. After that, I stood in front of the mirror. I taught them the beginning. "Okay, now from the top," I said. The boys immediately went back to their starting position. "On the count of three," I said, "One... two... three..."

~An hour later~

"I think we should take a break," I clapped my hands. I watched as they walked off, completely exhausted. "They're impressive. We were able to learn three parts, but we still need to practice some more before we perfect it..." I started spacing out. "Y/N, catch!" I heard. Before I could react, a water bottle hit my forehead. I stumbled back and landed on the ground. The water bottle rolled away as I rubbed my forehead. "What the heck?!" I glared at Yoongi, who was laughing, "Yoongi!"

"I'm sorry," he crouched down next to me as an attempt to check up on me. He stared at my face for some time. "Are you okay?" he finally asked. "What do you think?" I continued to rub my forehead. "You'll be fine... Miss Knight," he grinned. "Yoongi, I swear if you-" I started off before he started laughing again. "Miss Y/N being a knight. Miss Y/N can't find a prince," he taunted as he was dying of laughter. I glared at him before getting up and leaving the room.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

I couldn't stop laughing even after Y/N left. "Yoongi," my band members approached me. I stared at them, "What is it?" "Why did you do that?" Taehyung asked. "Do what?" I asked back. "Why did you throw that water bottle at Y/N? And why are you guys all of a sudden so friendly?" Jimin asked. I let out a sigh, "Right, I forgot to tell you. She's my childhood best friend." They stared at me with a shocked expression. "R-Really?" Taehyung asked, "But you were acting like a jerk towards her." "I didn't know that it was her. I had to do some research to realize who she was..." I said, "I really am a bad friend..."

~Back to you~

"I really hate when he does that..." I let out a long sigh.


~Narrator's P.O.V.~

"Y/N, you're the knight!" a little girl shouted. "Why am I always the knight? Why can't I be the princess for once?" Y/N asked, annoyed. "Mimi is prettier than you, so she deserves the title," Yoongi answered. "You don't even act like a lady, so being a knight fits you better," Mimi placed her hands on her hips. "Don't you think that's a little mean?" Y/N asked, "Is it because I don't like dresses?" "Nope, it's because you're a nerd," Mimi sarcastically answered. "Can I be the princess this one time...?" Y/N asked. Mimi and Yoongi smirked. "Miss Y/N being a knight. Miss Y/N can't find a prince. What will she do without any feminine traits? Who would want someone like Miss Y/N?" Mimi and Yoongi chanted in unison.


~Charlotte's P.O.V.~

"I wonder how Miss L/N is doing with Mr. Min. She was happy when he recognized her. She really reminded me of a cute fluffy creature filled with happiness and joy," I started steering the car into the parking lot.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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