Chapter 40

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~A month and a half later~

A few days ago, Yoongi and I finished recording our song. We tried to convey emotions through it, and, I had to admit, we did a good job.

We started practicing the choreography fifteen hours a day. It took a while, but we perfected it.

Today we get to record the music video. BTS, who have been motivating us from the beginning, decided to come and watch.

"Should we practice again?" Yoongi took me into his arms. I quickly fixed my hair, "I think we're good. But if one of us does mess up, we can redo the scene." He nodded before kissing my cheek. "You look gorgeous," he said. I smiled before patting his cheek. "Should we provide fan service?" I asked. "Do you mean making our fans freak out?" he asked, "I'm pretty good at that." "That's why people stan you," I chuckled. "Guys, are you ready?" Kim tapped a pen against the clipboard she was holding.

We looked over at her. "If you want to check off the ideas you came up with, you should probably hurry and get on set," she said. She sounded like our manager. Yoongi saluted, "Yes, ma'am! We'll be out soon." She glared at him, "Don't call me that. I'm not that old." Then she left the room. "She can be scary sometimes..." I said. "She's scary but motivating at the same time," Yoongi replied.

~After a few hours~

"Okay, looks good!" the manager of BTS gave us a thumbs up. I ran to get a towel before wiping away my sweat. "Good job," Kim approached Yoongi and me. She handed us water bottles. "You guys looked good!" Hoseok jumped onto Yoongi. "Get off," Yoongi struggles to push him off. But then, the younger members ran over and jumped on him too. I couldn't help but laugh. "Your song has a nice message," Namjoon wrapped his arms around Kim.

"Do you think so? I was trying to make it meaningful," I said, "I'm happy that it has a good message." "Every song has its own message, but yours was different," Namjoon replied. Kim nodded, "It has a deep meaning, and, if I close my eyes, it's like the scenes are unfolding in my head." I smiled, "That's exactly what we wanted the song to do. I'm glad we were able to do that." Namjoon held up a hand, signaling for a high five. I quickly high fived him. "You guys really do work well together," he smiled.

~Time: 12:30 A.M.~

Although it was late, we still needed to finish one more scene. After that, I immediately went to change.

"The others already left," Yoongi quickly caught up with me. "I noticed," I said. Then I noticed that Tim was still waiting for me. "You should have left earlier, you didn't need to wait for me," I said. "I would prefer to stay by your side, especially during the night. Even if you're with Mr. Min, I need to ensure your safety," he replied. I smiled, "Thank you, you're very nice." He smiled back, "Maybe on the ride back, I can tell you about my past." "I would like that," I said, happily.

~After a while~

Yoongi decided to head to BigHit to get something.

After Tim and I got into the car, Charlotte started driving. "Before Mimi found me and offered me a job, I was homeless. I was badly beaten by two guys because I stole from them. I had sustained a lot of serious injuries. If it weren't for Mimi, I would have slowly bled to death. I owed her my life. No matter what she did, I would always look past it, knowing she was caring and sweet. I guess you could say I enjoyed it, even if it was torturing," he said. My heart ached.

"You're really kind hearted. If it were me, I would have left immediately," Charlotte said. "I would have left as well, but I didn't have the option to leave. I was hoping she'll change, and show more of the side she showed me that night... But I guess, not matter how hard I tried, it never happened," he sighed.

I looked over at him. His head lowered with each word, as if he thought he was a failure. I pulled him into an embrace, "She doesn deserve someone like you, and you definitely didn't deserve to be treated like that. After all, you were trying to help her but she only inflicted pain on you." He smiled, "I gusss you're right. I just had high hopes that I could change her." "I'm just glad you're safe now," I said, "Who knows what would happen if that continued."


"What do you mean I can't bail her out?" Mimi's dad angrily shouted at the officer. "I'm sorry sir, but the judge made the decision to send her to life in prison without the chance of parole. She's seen as a danger to society," the officer replied. He looked like he was about to hit the officer, but Mimi stopped him. "It's okay, daddy. I predicted this so I made a plan B," Mimi turned, "Am I right, Hyun?" Hyun smiled before nodding, "Right, Miss Mimi." "Go and fulfill my wishes," Mimi snapped her fingers.

"Time for kill Y/N."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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