Chapter 60

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~A week later~

Today we were invited to watch the training. But at the moment, I was practicing. They normally train overnight, so I can watch them at any time.

As I was practicing, I couldn't take my mind off of everything. Even though Kim was confident, and they're training hard, Mimi's idea of a 'game' is insane to me. Well, knowing her, it probably isn't as insane. But what if her dad dies? Will she just move on with her life like he didn't exist? I had so many questions.

~Night time~

When I entered the training room, I noticed a lot of males and Kim was the only female.

"I'm glad you could make it. I hope nothing bad has happened while I've been absent," Tim wiped away his sweat. "I didn't know he had abs!" Jimin was in shock. "It's sort of intimidating," Taehyung said. "So the man wasn't lying when he said he was busy training," Charlotte walked in, twirling her keys with her forefinger. "What? Did you miss me?" Tim asked. "Not at all. I just thought you forgot about your job," she answered. Yoongi leaned over. "Are they dating?" he asked. "You see it too?" I asked back. He nodded, "Most definitely." "Sadly, they're just companions," I said, "I still ship them though." "If you guys want to watch, you can sit over there," Tim pointed.

We started walking over. Then we settled down and watched. Everyone was amazed by their skills. My attention went over to Kim, who was helping a group of guys. Namjoon didn't seem happy with it.

"Do you think they're flirting with her?" Namjoon stood up. "I think she's just helping them," Seokjin dragged him back down. "Calm down, you know she likes helping," Jungkook said. "Yeah, especially since they seem to be struggling with that," Taehyung said, "Do you think that's why she's so confident? Since she can do anything she puts her mind to?" "Don't you think that confidence will backfire on her one day?" Hoseok asked. "I doubt that," Jimin answered, "She always knows what she's doing."

Soon enough, Kim came to join us. "You're working hard," Yoongi smiled. "Of course, it's for you after all," she smiled back. "So will you guys be using actual weapons?" I asked. She shook her head, "Although it'll probably be a better idea, we don't want to kill anyone." She went to get something. Then she came back with a dart. "These are tranquilizer darts that should keep them knocked out for two hours or so. That could give us enough time," she explained.

"What if Mimi plans on using guns?" Jungkook asked. "I'm sure she will, but all of us are okay with risking our lives," Kim answered. "What? I'm not okay with you dying," Namjoon said, and his members joined him. "I'm not either. I don't want anyone dying, especially you and Tim. You guys mean a lot to me," I also joined in. "If it matters, I don't want Tim dying either," Charlotte said. "That's right, we don't want any of you dying," Seokjin agreed.

Kim smiled, but something seemed off about it. It didn't ease me, like it used to. It was like she wasn't sure whether or not she'll live. But since she was so confident, I thought I was just overthinking it.

"Didn't I tell you I don't planning on dying? I'm too young," she said.

~After a while~

I glanced over my shoulder before walking out. "They're working hard," Yoongi said. "Just watching them makes me want to work harder," Taehyung muttered, determined. "Do you think they can do it?" Jimin asked, "I don't want to doubt them, but I don't want anything bad happening either." "I'm sure they'll do what they can," Namjoon answered. "If anyone does end up dying, we can take care of their funeral," Seokjin suggested, "Then they'll know we appreciate their hard work."

"Do any of you find this ridiculous?" I asked "Lives could be lost, but Mimi makes it seem like a game of hide and seek." I wanted to know what they thought. "With the small amount of information I know about this, I think it's ridiculous," Charlotte agreed, "No one in the right mind would think of this." "I don't want anyone to die, but I know that it might end up happening. All I care about is that Kim, Tim, and Yoongi come out of this alive," Jungkook said.

"I want everyone who volunteered to return to their family members. I know they're willing to sacrifice their lives, but it still doesn't make it right that we asked people, who we don't know, to help us. I just don't get why they agreed to help," Hoseok looked like he had a lot of questions. "I think we all have questions. But Kim has a point, we need to end this once in for all. If people end up dying, we can mourn over it and appreciate all they've done for us," Namjoon said.

None of us knew if this was the right decision to make.

"What should I do?" I asked myself.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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