Chapter 30

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~Mimi's P.O.V.~

People always called me names, like creepy or crazy. I never listened to them because I'm just living my life, and changing myself for Yoongi. But no matter what I do, he doesn't look at me like he looks at Y/N. I always wonder what she had that I didn't. I started doing things just to get his attention, like wearing makeup or dressing prettier. Even when every guy falls for my charms, he never did.

"What happened to the Yoongi I once knew? Did that b**** brainwash him?" I questioned.

I was annoyed that Y/N didn't have to try as hard as I did. He's been by her side when he should be by me. I just wanted him in my life, where he'll love me and be there for me.

"I'm not good enough!" I pushed everything off my dresser before falling onto my knees. "Miss Mimi, what happened?" the maids came running in, "Are you okay?" "Clean this mess up!" I commanded. "Why am I not good enough? Why can't I just be with him?" I watched as the maids cleaned up the mess I made. "Is everything okay?" Tom entered my room with concern. I sighed, "I changed myself, but Yoongi still doesn't love me." "You don't need to change yourself, Miss Mimi," Tim said. "Liar!" I stood up before punching him. He stumbled backwards before using his hand to cover the spot I hit.

"No matter what I do, he doesn't love me! It's always Y/N this, and Y/N that. That stupid knight! That worthless piece of sh**!" I shouted. "Please, calm down. Maybe he'll love you when you mature," Tim said. There was blood running down his nose. "Leave me alone!" I shouted. The maids quickly left my room. "I thought all of these changes I made would make him love me. But he doesn't, he only cares about her," I gritted my teeth together.

"Pardon me if I'm asking a sensitive question, but have you thought about changing your personality?" Tim asked. I glared at him, "What do you mean? Are you calling me crazy?! Don't tell me you're like those people!" He quickly shook his head, "Like I said, I don't mean any offense to you. I just thought that maybe a change-." "All Yoongi cares about is looks, not personality. I need to look sexier," I cut him off. He opened his mouth but immediately shut it after. "I don't want to hear any more useless advice from you. It'll be in your best interest to keep your mouth shut or else you'll lose your only job," I threatened. He nodded before leaving the room.

I stared at myself in the mirror. "I need a slimmer waist, bigger breasts and butt, a wider waist, bigger lips..." I had so much to change.

~BTS debut~

"So he's in a band now?" I smirked, "Maybe I should visit him." Tim shook his head, "You still have a lot of work to do. You need to finish it before you can meet him." "Do it for me. After all, you like working, don't you? It won't be a problem for you, right?" I asked. He stared at me for a while. "Of course not..." he answered. "Then hurry up. I don't have all day. After all, I need to meet my soon-to-be husband!" I snapped my fingers. As I was walking off, I stopped and glanced over my shoulder. "You don't want to keep me waiting, right Tim?" I asked. "Of course not," he went to my office. Once he went in, I laughed. "He can't do anything without me. If it weren't for me, he would have been a worthless unemployed person that no one would want," I thought, satisfied, "Min, Yoongi, I'm coming to you no matter how long it takes."

~The last day of the tour~

"He's been ignoring me!" I paced back and forth in my hotel room. I paused once I remembered how happy he was with Y/N. I felt anger rising up in my body. "That b****! I'll take my revenge on her... but how?" I thought. Then an idea popped into my head, making me grin. "Tim, we're going to kidnap Yoongi," I said. "I'm a genius!" I thought. "When we successfully kidnap him, we'll constantly move locations so they can't find us," I explained. Tim looked at me. "Contact some professionals for me," I commanded. He started hesitating.

"Why are you hesitating?" I asked, annoyed, "Hurry up and do what I asked! Or would you rather get fired?" I grabbed a plate and threw it at him. He caught it with flinching. "I wasn't hesitating. I'm trying to remember where I left my phone," he said. "Is that so?" I asked, and he nodded. "I'll be back in a minute," he got up and left. "Gosh, how did I come up with this great idea?" I applaud myself, "Now Yoongi will finally be mine. I won't need to worry about anyone taking him away from me, because he'll be mine forever."

~The next morning~

I smiled at Yoongi, who was lying on my bed and completely drugged. "You're so handsome," I caressed his face, "I wonder how they're reacting to the news." I grinned at the thought of Y/N falling apart due to the news. "We need to get going," I said, "Is my private jet here?" Tim nodded in response. "I will be right back. I need to make a quick call," he informed. "Whatever, just make it quick," I stared at Yoongi's face.

~Tim's P.O.V.~

"Maybe I can find her..." I looked around as I entered the hotel Y/N and BTS were staying at. I immediately spotted the familiar face in the lobby. "Excuse me," I called out. She turned and immediately backed away. "Aren't you the one who attacked me?" she asked. "Please forgive me, I was simply following Miss Mimi's orders," I apologized. "Did you need something?" she asked, cautiously. "I just need to talk to you," I answered, "Please follow me." She started hesitating for a while. But when she noticed I wasn't a threat, she agreed to come with me. As I led her, she cautiously followed behind me. "What's your name?" I asked. "Why would I need to give it to you?" she asked. "I would like to refer to you by your name. It's disrespectful to call someone 'you,'" I answered. "It's Kim," she muttered.

~After a while~

"Okay, let me get this straight. You're telling me Mimi kidnapped Yoongi and you want me to get him back, is that right?" Kim asked, sort of surprised by my request. "That's correct. No matter how much I respect Miss Mimi, I can't stand by and watch someone get kidnapped," I nodded. She stared at me, still suspicious, "Are you setting me up? Is this a plan to kill me?" I shook my head, "If this was, I would have done it a few minutes ago. I just don't condone the idea of kidnapping. It's not right, no matter the circumstance." "You have a point there," she agreed, "Do you have a plan? I'm assuming you don't want me to rescue him now."

"That's correct, I don't want you to save him now because Miss Mimi will get suspicious," I said, "First, I need your number. Her plan is to constantly move around so we can't get caught easily. I'll tell you our next location, and hope you'll catch us one day." She smiled, clearly entertained, "I'm shocked you're going against your mistress." "Like I said, I can't just stand by and let this all happen," I said, "Are you ready to risk everything for Yoongi?" "I'm always ready," she said, and I smiled.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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