Chapter 7

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~After a while~

I yawned before stretching. Even though I was working on this last night, I ended up waking up early to finish it. But in the end, I was happy with the finished product. I got off my bed before grabbing my chargers, and putting things into my backpack. Then I placed my laptop into my bag. I checked the time and realized it was only 8:15 A.M.. "Maybe I can do something..." I grabbed my phone to text Charlotte that I'll be out in fifteen minutes. When I finished texting her, I heard my doorbell go off. "Maybe it's a package," I thought, a little confused. I placed my phone back onto the bed stand before going to the door. I cracked it open and peered through the small crack.

My eyes widened when I noticed Yoongi was waiting outside my dorm. I started slowly opening the door. When it was opened, he smiled a little. "I didn't expect to wait that long just for you to open the door, you weirdo," he let out a small chuckle. I gave him a confused look. "Excuse me?" I asked. "First he calls me a crazy fan, and now he's calling me a weirdo? What's with all these nicknames?" I asked myself. "Can I come in?" Yoongi asked, still smiling. "Uh... sure...?" I answered in a questionable tone. I moved aside so he could enter. "Did you need something?" I closed the door behind him. I watched him take off his shoes. "Why else do you think I'm here?" he asked back. "To tell me how much you dislike me...?" I bluntly answered. "Why would I tell my best friend that?" he asked. When he said that, my eyes widened again.

"You finally recognized me?" I asked, taken aback. I felt tears of joy welling up in my eyes. "After some research, I finally realized who you are," he opened his arms. I immediately embraced him as tears streamed down my face. "Don't cry," he patted my head, slightly chuckling. "I can't help it. I've missed you so much, Yoongi..." I said. My tears were soaking up his sweater. "Do you want to talk for a while?" he asked, and I nodded. I pulled away from the embrace before wiping away my tears. After a while, I led him to my living room. "Listen, I'm sorry for acting rude. I thought you were a crazy fan- well, I'm sure you know that," he apologized. "I know how you are when you meet someone new. You don't like interacting with them, and it comes off rude," I said. "That's why you're my best friend," he smiled, proudly. Then he fell quiet.

"I'm also sorry for leaving you without a word. I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye," he apologized. "It's fine. Even so, it still hurts me that you didn't say anything-" I started off. "I was going to tell you-!" he interrupted me, "It's just my plane left early in the morning, and I know how much you like sleeping in. Sorry for interrupting you. I just wanted to let you know that I didn't want to keep it as a 'secret.' What were you saying?" "When you left that day, I can't lie, I was devastated. But after talking to your mom, I understood why you left. You had a dream that you wanted to accomplish. It was a dream that we both wanted to reach. Even so, I don't want you to worry about what happened in the past. You should focus on the present, and your, soon-to-be, bright future," I smiled. "You have a bright future as well. Do you want to explain how this all happened?" he asked.

I chuckled, "We both know that we had similar dreams. As I was supporting you, I couldn't help but feel inspired by you. I decided to get off my lazy butt, and accomplish my dream as well." After hearing that, Yoongi smiled. "I'm glad I inspired you, because look where we are now. We're working under the same entertainment. When I thought I would never see you again, you appeared back in my life. I'm glad you're here," he said, making me smile. "I'm just glad you finally recognized me," I giggled. He immediately pulled me into a hug, "You have no idea how much I missed you." "I think I missed you more," my smile widened. "That's because... I really like you, Yoongi," I thought. We stayed in that embrace for some time before Yoongi pulled back. "What's your phone number?" he asked. "Let me see your phone," I held out my hand.

He pulled out his phone and placed it into my hand. "I need your password," I held it up. After he unlocked his phone, I added my contacts. "I finally have a phone number that works," he said. "I had to change my phone number. Sorry I couldn't tell you," I replied. "It's okay, but I think I should get going," Yoongi stood up. "I'll see you there?" I asked, and he nodded. "After all, we kind of have a collaboration to work on," he smiled, "Plus, now I get to spend time with you." "I can't wait to criticize you," I smiled. "I don't need your criticism. I can do it myself," he glared at me. "I know," I nudged him. When he was at the door, he stopped. "I know I already said this, but I really missed you a lot," he smiled cutely at me. My heart started beating faster. "Let's just promise to not get separated again," I said. He let out a laugh, "That's a promise." After he put on his shoes, he left. "I'll see you later," he waved. I waved back with the biggest smile on my face.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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