Chapter 46

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I watched as Hyun slowly put the knife away. It was like she was taunting me, reminding me that I'll die.

"Come on, Ginger," she said.

Ginger got her white cane off the chair before going to her. As he was passing by me, he growled. Then she left the room. I stood up but my legs felt weak. My knees buckled and I fell back onto the ground.

"I almost died..." I started covering my face.

~Tim's P.O.V.~

"There's so many people here. I guess her manager really needs her," Hyun smiled before her eyes darted at me. "It seems like it," I said.

The way she could manipulate people with her innocent act annoyed me, especially since I knew her real intentions.

As she was walking off, her dog followed obediently.

"If you didn't interrupt my playtime, she would have been dead. What a shame..." she whispered as she passed me.

~Your P.O.V.~

When everyone rushed into the room, I faintly smiled at them. Hyun's warning was haunting me. I had to keep quiet about what just happened.

"How was she in danger? The person she was meeting is blind," Jungkook made his way to me. "I've said it before, but people take me for granted because I'm blind."

It looked like Tim knew something BTS didn't.

"Are you okay?" Tim knelt down and placed his hands on my shoulders. "You know, don't you?" I muttered. He looked around before nodding. "I know what her intentions are, and I got here as fast as possible," he said.

I wanted to break down crying. But I couldn't, because it'll only bring up suspicion.

"Did she hurt you?" he started inspecting me. I opened my mouth, but, shortly after, closed it. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to tell him anything. "No, she didn't..." I shook my head. He stared at me, "Your face is pale and you're shaking." "It's okay, I'm fine," I assured. He continued to stare at me. "She threatened you, didn't she?" He asked. I stayed quiet. "I won't let her harm you," he promised. With that, I leaned closer to his ear. "Don't... tell anyone," I whispered.

When I leaned back, he nodded in response. Then Yoongi approached me. "Are you okay? Tim said you were in danger but we didn't see anything out of place," he gave me a worried expression. "I'm fine," I assured him with a weak smile. "Are you sure?" he continued to ask. "Yeah... I think we should head back," I tried to stand up again. I had to use all my strength to keep standing since my legs still felt like jello.

~Hyun's P.O.V.~

"I'm alright," Y/N continued to assure. "Good girl," I smiled to myself before looking at Ginger, "It looks like our mission might last a little longer than expected." I petted him. Then I started walking. "Another death is near~," I sang.

~At the hotel~

~Your P.O.V.~

The thought of dying and Hyun's words we're still haunting me. Everything felt so unreal, but I knew it wasn't a dream.

"I think I need to talk to Miss L/N, so if you don't mind," Tim grabbed my wrist. "Why do you need her?" Yoongi asked. "I just need to talk to her in private. We won't be long so don't worry," Tim assured with a smile. Yoongi looked at him and then at me. "Kim, go with them," Yoongi said. "You can't just order me around," she rolled her eyes. "Don't you trust me?" Tim asked. "Why are you suddenly so protective? He's her bodyguard after all," Hoseok asked. "I don't trust people who lie or scare me," Yoongi answered. I stared at him in confusion. "He said she was in danger when she wasn't," Yoongi said, "There's no way a blind person could harm someone who can see."

I started thinking about how I almost lost my life. Even though Hyun's blind, she knew what she was doing. She was quiet and stealthy, and her movements were flawless.

"Yoongi, sometimes it's better if you don't undermine things," Kim said, "I think you should go rest." The others started bringing him to his room, and he didn't put up a fight. "I'm going to head up to my room as well. I'm sorry about him. You really scared him when you said she was in danger," she apologized on behalf of Yoongi. "I understand, and I should have been more cautious about what I said. It just slipped out since I was in a rush," he said, "But you can come along since you know." I looked at him before looking at Kim. "Y-You know?" I started looking around. Tim watched me, "Let's go somewhere private."


"Make sure no one's eavesdropping," Tim slid a card over to the person he's been talking to. "Alright," the person nodded. Tim led us to a room. I sat down. "Now what did Hyun tell you? You've been on your toes since we interfered," Tim asked. I stared at Tim and Kim. "I can't say anything," I said. "Don't worry, Hyun can't hear you in here. This place is secured," he assured. "Do you know her?" I asked. He nodded, "I worked with her when I was with Mimi. Now what has you on edge?" I sat there for some time. Then I looked at Kim.

"You can trust me. After all, I haven't said anything to anyone since," she said. "It's not that I don't trust you. I know you're probably going to get involved, but it's dangerous," I replied. "It's a little too late for that. I decided to join in when I heard someone was planning to kill you," she crossed her arms. I swallowed, knowing I was about to take a dangerous risk. "Hyun got me a knife as a 'present' and almost stabbed me with it. After you interrupted, she told me to keep quiet or she'll kill Yoongi," I quietly said.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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