Chapter 16

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~A week later~

After that day, Yoongi and I told his members that we were dating. Everyday has been a blast ever since. Sometimes he would sleep in late so he could come with me to BigHit. He would occasionally drop by my dorm and hang around. Before practice, he would give you little kisses on my forehead. I was falling more in love with him every single day.

"Wrong part, Namjoon," Kim shouted before casually going back to drinking her water.

She's been watching us practice since last week. She would always yell at Namjoon and Seokjin, mostly Namjoon, each time they messed up. It looked like she enjoyed watching him redo the routine.

Namjoon let out a groan, "How about, instead of shouting at me, you show me how it's done, babe?" "Do you want me to show you up?" she asked. "If you can," he crossed his arms. "Very well, if you say so," she started stretching.

After a while, she stood in front of the mirror. She looked confident that she was going to show him up. When the music started playing, she moved fluidly and confidently. As she sounded her steps, I watched her. With one last count, she completed what Namjoon wasn't able to do.

"What the-" Namjoon said, "Did you practice this at home?" "I've been watching you guys for a week. I have the moves memorized," she chuckled. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that she memorized the moves Hoseok and I worked hard to create. "That's Kim for you," Yoongi whispered, "She's somehow always better than all of us. She's impressive, isn't she?" I nodded in response. "She may be impressive but I think you're better than her," he kissed my forehead.

~Mimi's P.O.V.~

I impatiently paced back and forth in front of BigHit. "Miss Mimi, we're not allowed in there anymore. Are you planning to trespass? What good will pacing around do?" Tim's eyes were glued on me. "My dad is coming soon. He's going to help me get into this building. I don't have time for an ugly a** b**** to get in my way. I'm going to make that female pay for it!" I angrily clenched my fist. He opened his mouth to say something, but ended up closing it. Just then, a black car appeared. "Daddy, you're finally here!" I immediately ran to him. "How are you, sweetheart?" he asked. "It's horrible, daddy! They banned me from entering this building! The love of my life is in there. They're trying to separate me from him!" I pointed at the building. "Don't worry,  sweetie. I'll take care of this problem. I'll get you back with him in no time," he promised. I grinned, "We'll also need to take care of someone as well. She's really annoying, and she's getting in my way." "Of course, anything for you," my dad said. Like that, we started walking into the building.

~Your P.O.V.~

As I was in the middle practicing, the door suddenly swung open. I stopped and started wiping away my sweat. "Guess who's back!" Mimi's annoying voice echoed throughout the room. My eyes immediately widened, "W-Wait, isn't she-." "Aren't you banned from entering this building?" Kim jumped off the counter. "Oh, perfect. You're exactly who I was looking for! Daddy, that's her! She's the one who attacked me and gave me these bruises," Mimi accusingly pointed at Kim. She was spitting nonsense again. "What? Are you framing me for something I didn't do?" Kim asked in disbelief. "Daddy, it's her. She's the one who did this to me!" Mimi cried. Her dad snapped his finger and a group of males started surrounding Kim. "W-What's going on??" I couldn't move. "Come on, let's go!" Yoongi pulled me away. The males started attacking Kim. "What about Kim?!" I asked. "We don't have time!" Yoongi's voice cracked. I noticed that his eyes were tearing up. "Get him!" Mimi shouted.

~At BTS dorm~

BTS were worried about Kim. "What do you think happened to her?" Jungkook fidgeted with his fingers. "I have no idea. B-But what if they take her?" Namjoon was shaking at the thought. "Guys, stop thinking like that," Seokjin said, "She isn't weak. All we need to do is hope that she's okay." Even with those words, he sounded concerned. "You saw all those men, right?" I asked, "They all attacked her at once." "Okay, that's enough! Let's stop thinking about it," Taehyung shouted. His voice cracked since he was crying. "Let's stop talking about it. I don't want to hear it," he said.

Before I knew it, they were arguing. I stood up, not wanting to be involved. I went to Yoongi's room without a second thought.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I approached Yoongi, who was sitting in his bed in deep thought. "Kim could be in trouble... and I just left her there," he mumbled. "This hasn't happened before, has it?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"This all because of Mimi! I told her to leave me the f*** alone!" he angrily threw his pillow at the wall. "Yoongi, calm down!" I said. "I shouldn't have left Kim all alone! I shouldn't have. What kind of best friend am I?! First I leave you, and now I left her! I'm the worst friend yet," Yoongi shouted. I stared at him in disbelief, "You couldn't do anything. You shouldn't get mad at things that you can't control. If you stayed, who knows what Mimi would have done to you," I said, "What if I lost you?" I felt tears forming at that thought.

There was suddenly a loud sound followed with shouts from the others. Yoongi and I looked at each other before rushing out of his room. When we made it to the living room, my eyes widened at the horrific sight. Kim was lying on the ground, badly beaten. There were cuts and bruises everywhere on her body.

"What happened to you?!" I cried. She looked at me, "I-I took care of them..."

I hoped you enjoyed!

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