Chapter 26

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~After the song~

"Did you guys enjoy this collaboration?" Taehyung asked. The fans cheered in response.

At the moment, BTS and I were waiting for chairs. Since we only performed one song, we agreed to interact with the fans for as long as we can. While doing so, Yoongi and I kept our distance from each other to prevent anymore rumors.

"Do you guys want to see this collaboration again?" Jimin wrapped his arm around my shoulder. The fans cheered even louder. "What did you like about the collaboration, Y/N?" Namjoon asked. When he asked the question, I was busy drinking water. I nearly choked on it. "Honestly, I enjoyed everything. This was a dream come true," I smiled as I waved back at the fans. As I was looking through the crowd, I noticed someone. "Mimi..." I muttered.

Yoongi was about to pass me until he heard me. He stopped in his tracks and scanned the audience. He quickly walked off after noticing her as well. She smirked and mouthed something. Since I didn't understand what she was trying to say, I shrugged and walked off.

After the staff members came with the chairs, we sat down. Of course, Yoongi and I sat the farthest from each other.

After drinking water, BTS and I started talking to each other. "I would love to collaborate with Y/N more, but, sadly, all of us have to get ready for our next comeback," Hoseok said, "Maybe we'll get the chance to do it again." "If you guys want to see us work together again, request it again and it might come true," Jungkook suggested.

~After the concert~

"Everyone did a good job," Kim patted Namjoon's back. "I'm glad we discussed what kind of questions we should ask beforehand," Jungkook said. "Guys, we saw that female, the one who sent a group of guys to attack Kim," Yoongi butted in. Everyone's face drained of color. "Don't we have a restraining order on her?" Kim asked. He nodded, "We do and I don't know what she's planning. If anything, I hope it's nothing bad because I don't want to deal with her again." I nodded in agreement. I didn't want to deal with someone who kept telling me that Yoongi doesn't like me. "Doesn't that mean we should be more careful?" Seokjin asked. "You have a good point. We don't know what she plans on doing," Yoongi nodded.

Mimi is a huge threat to all of us. Since she's also the daughter of a wealthy CEO, she could get away with anything.

~At the hotel room~

I felt very scared after the discussion we had about Mimi. Yoongi informed our managers, and they provided more security guards. While some stood outside my room, the others were instructed to patrol the hotel. My manager also sent Charlotte over.

I sighed briefly. "You're going to be fine," Charlotte patted my back. "I'm still shocked she's here. I don't want to deal with her anymore," I pulled my knees to my chest. "I know you don't. She's your enemy after all," she said, "But remember, you have a restraining order on her." "Do you really think she'll actually obey the restraining order?" I asked, "In my opinion, I don't think she will. After all, she thinks she can do anything because she has everything."

I knew that she was going to take revenge one day. After all, it was getting too peaceful. I felt a pit in my stomach because I knew she was plotting something to ruin my life.

"How about you get some sleep," Charlotte suggested, "You need to get sleep for tomorrow. I think you'll want to look nice and well rested for the photo shoot." I slowly nodded in response. Even so, I kept overthinking everything. As I laid down, Charlotte continued to reassure me. "I'm here to protect you and so are the guards. We'll make sure you're safe, so you don't need to worry," she said.

As I continued overthinking, I eventually fell asleep. I was scared for tomorrow. What if something bad happens?

I hoped you enjoyed!

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