Chapter 11

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~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

After telling Y/N to leave, she listened without any complaints. I glared at Mimi, who just finished unbuttoning her shirt. I just maintained eye contact with her.

"I knew you wanted me all to yourself. You even told Y/N to leave," she suggestively licked her lips. "I didn't tell her to leave because of that," I rolled my eyes. "Yoongi, stop playing hard to get. I know that you like me. I mean, why would you ever choose her over me? She's ugly, and I'm pretty. Plus, I have the better genes," she touched her chest, "I know you want me. Just let it all out and kiss me." I couldn't help but laugh.

"As if," I got closer to her. "I know you like me, I know you do," she said, patiently waiting for a kiss, "I'm your princess after all." Her face lit up each time I took a step towards her. "You're not my princess," I approached her. I cornered her between my arms. "I don't like you either," I started leaning in, "That's because I like someone else, and I have a princess to take care of." Her expression lit up as she patiently waited for a kiss. But instead, I pulled the fabric of her shirt together. "I don't want to see you ever again. I don't like you, and I sure as h**l don't deal with b****y sl**s like you," I said.

I released her shirt and ran off to find Y/N.

After a while, I saw a familiar figure. Y/N was just standing there, frozen in her spot. I immediately went over to her to check if she was okay. When she turned around, I noticed tears threatening to fall down. I asked her if she was okay, and why she looked like she was about to cry. She didn't say anything. All she did was stand there. It didn't take long for tears to start rolling down her face. I started wiping them away.

"You're such a cry baby," I smiled. Her expression softened at my touch. "Y/N..." I thought, "Don't tell me you've fallen for someone like me. My princess, you're..."

~The next day~

I sighed as I walked down the school halls. Mimi came to school with fake scars and hickeys. She started spreading rumors that we had rough s** last night. I'm just glad Y/N didn't hear about the rumors. Either way, she would know they were all lies.

I let out another sigh before noticing Y/N. She was trying to reach for something higher than her.

"Are you struggling there?" I approached her. "Nope, I'm not struggling at all," she stubbornly continued with her attempts. "If you keep jumping like that, the whole school will see your panties," I warned.

I couldn't help but notice how her skirt kept flying up with each jump. She immediately stopped and placed her hands over her skirt.

"You're right, I hate these skirts," she sighed, and I chuckled. "I got it," I grabbed it.

When I had it in my hands, I stared at it.

"A singing contest?" I handed it to her, and she nodded. "I wanted to try it out. You never know-" she looked so excited to give me an explanation. That was until she was rudely interrupted. "Baby!" a voice shouted from behind.

Even though I hesitated to turn around, I did it nonetheless. There she was, Mimi and her friends.

"Why are you hanging out with that chick? As my boyfriend, you should be with me. I mean, we did do the deed last night," she winked at me.

Her friends giggled like hyenas behind her. I glared at her, expressing to her how much I didn't have time for her b***s**t.

"I really don't like this little rumor you made, Mimi. Also, didn't I tell you to stay the f*** out of my life, you b****?" I crossed my arms, annoyed. She stared at me, like she was offended by what I said. "Baby, watch your mouth. You know you can't disrespect your girlfriend like that!" she looked like she was about to cry. I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was being. "You're dating her?" Y/N asked. "No, we're not dating. Mimi, over here, decided to make a rumor that we are," I answered before taking Y/N's hand.

I started running, and she followed behind me.

"Leave the ugly knight alone! You'll gain nothing from it!" I heard Mimi shout.

I ignored her and continued to run. Y/N didn't hesitate one bit to follow me. "Y/N, I..."

~Back to the present~

~Your P.O.V.~

I waved my hand in front of Yoongi. He's been spacing out for five minutes, thinking about how to tell me. "Yoongi?" I asked. He came back to reality. "Sorry, I started thinking back way too far," he apologized. "That's fine. Can you tell me now?" I asked.

He seemed sort of relieved that I stopped his thinking.

~After a while~

After he explained what happened, I stared at him. I didn't know how to react.

"He rejected her and came to me instead," I thought, "Does that mean he'll choose me anytime? Maybe he likes me?" I immediately shook my head, "No way, he only did it because of the promise." "Thank you for doing that..." I smiled. Yoongi smiled back, "Of course, it's what I promised." I started thinking about everything he told me.

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

"If I told you why I made you that promise, you would probably hate me..." I thought.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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