Chapter 12

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~After a while~

Eventually, it was time for Yoongi and me to record our verses. He was in one sound room while I was in the one next to him. Namjoon didn't lie, it was pretty small.

As I was reading through the lyrics, I glanced over at Yoongi. He looked at me before smiling. I smiled back before turning my attention back to my manager. She gave me a thumbs up. I took a deep breath before starting.

~After a while~

When I was finished, Yoongi was still busy recording his verse. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him. He looked fully engaged with his verse.

"Okay, good," my manager said after he finished, "You may come out now." I left the room and Yoongi copied. "Do you want to listen?" his manager asked. We both nodded in response. "Let's play Yoongi's verse first," my manager instructed." As I listened, a smile appeared on my face. "His rapping is as cute as it was when he was younger," I thought.


"Y/N, look at this," Yoongi, from elementary school, said. I turned to him, "Yes?" He took a deep breath before rapping. It was really soft, like he didn't want me to hear it. When he finished, he looked down. "That's good!" I ran over to hug him. "R-Really?" he let out a breath of relief, "Are you sure?" "Yeah! I would never lie to you!" I pulled him closer to me.


"I think I want to be a rapper," a high school Yoongi pulled me really close to him. His head rested on my shoulder. "Yoongi, what if I..."

~Back to the present~

"Are you okay?" Yoongi waved his hand in front of my face. "Yeah, I'm fine," I answered. "What did you think?" he asked. "It's awesome, as always," I answered. "Do you think so?" he asked, happy. "Of course, I would never lie to you," I said. He looked at me with a shocked expression. But eventually, his face lit up after hearing me say that. "Maybe he remembers..." I thought. "Okay, now for Y/N's verse..." a staff member started playing my verse. As it played, I looked over at Yoongi. He looked like he froze in his spot, like he was enchanted by my voice. When it ended, I waited for his opinion. He continued to stand there, processing everything. "It's good..." he said after a while. A smile appeared on my face.

"The both of you may leave now," my manager said, "We might have all eight of you do one together." We nodded in response before thanking them. Then we left the room. ""You've practiced your rapping," he said. "I tried to improve. I can't say that it's the best though," I replied. I glanced over at him, and he smiled. "Remember when I first rapped in front of you?" he asked. I let out a giggle. "How could I forget? You were so cute-" I immediately covered my mouth. He stopped in his tracks, and I stopped as well. "Is there something wrong?" I asked, confused. He suddenly grabbed my arm before dragging me off. "Y-Yoongi? Is everything okay?" I asked. "Y/N, I can't do this anymore. I have to tell you something," he said. "Tell me what? What's wrong?" I asked. He pulled me into his studio.

"What happened? Did I say something wrong?" I questioned myself. He stared at me before moving closer to me, making me blush. "W-What is it?" I closed my eyes, "What's going on?" "What if I told something I've been keeping to myself? Will you promise not to hate me?" he asked. I could feel his breath brushing past my ear. When I opened my eyes, I noticed he was blushing. "Why would I ever hate you?" I asked. "I-I-" he backed off, "I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You can tell me, it's okay," I said. "No, it's fine. I was acting too rash," he replied. "Oh, okay..." I said in disappointment.

~The next morning~

~Yoongi's P.O.V.~

I blankly stared at my ceiling. "What's wrong, Yoongi?" Y/N, from high school, asked in a concerned voice. "Y/N... My princess," I extended my arm to the ceiling. I let out a sigh. "How cringey," I thought as I dropped my arm, "I need to tell you one day. I know I have to... but I don't know if I can." Just then, the door opened. "Yoongi, time to get up. We can't be late. We're going to record a live performance of the song today," Namjoon said. "Okay, I'll get up," I got off my bed. As I was heading to the bathroom, I couldn't stop thinking. "I need to tell her before it's too late," I thought.


"Finally, I'm here in Seoul, South Korea," a female said, "Do you have my bags?" She looked over at a guy. "Yes I do, Miss Mimi. We have everything right here," he pointed at the luggage. "I can't want to see Yoongi again," Mimi smiled, "I missed him so much. I hope he's ready, because he's about to fall in love with me even more. He can't run from me this time, I'm so much hotter than before. I'll be his, and he'll be mine. We're gonna have so much fun. Isn't that right, Tim?" She looked over at her butler. "That is correct," he replied. "I mean, who could resist this?" she started walking. Everyone's eyes were on her as they stared at her figure.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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