Chapter 25

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~A week later~

The day has come that we've worked so hard for. I was really excited to perform with BTS since I didn't think I'd ever get this opportunity.

At the moment, we're all getting ready. BTS and I were in separate rooms. As I was getting my makeup done, I swore I could fall asleep. Luckily for me, the makeup artist was keeping me awake. Imagine if I did fall asleep, I would be late to my own performance. Then I'll never hear the end of it. As I was about to drift off, the makeup artist shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes. With a smile, she told me she was done. I stood up before stretching. Afterwards, I thanked her. I looked at my makeup before going to the other dressing room.

I knocked on the door, and Taehyung immediately opened it. "Oh, it's Y/N!" he smiled. "I see you're done getting ready," I smiled back, "Can I come in?" He nodded before moving to the side. I walked in and looked around. Everyone was either getting their hair or makeup done, or resting up before the concert started. I sat down next to Jungkook. "Are you finished getting ready?" my attention was glued to the game he was playing. He nodded in response. "Do you want to give it a try?" he asked after he beat the round. I hesitated to take his phone. "Come on, give it a try," he insisted. I nodded before grabbing his phone. He pressed "Next Round" for me.

I started to freak out in the beginning but I replayed what Jungkook did. Shocking enough, I was able to beat the round even though I had no idea what I was doing. I was just pressing the screen at random.

"You definitely didn't know what you were doing," Jungkook chuckled, and I nodded in response, "Even so, you beat the round." "I'm shocked I did," I handed back his phone. Then I got up and went over to Yoongi. He was sleeping on the couch in a weird position. I poked his nose, and he sprung up. All I did was smile at him. "I was so close to kill you," Yoongi said. "I could tell," I chuckled. He rolled his eyes before opening his arms, signaling me to cuddle with him. I ended up falling asleep on his chest.

~After a while~

I woke up to Yoongi tickling me. I started laughing before pulling myself away from him. He laughed at my reaction. I rolled my eyes at him before fixing my hair.

"Don't look at me like that," he chuckled, "If I didn't wake you up, we wouldn't be able to perform." "You're right," I held out my hand so I could help him up. As we were heading out, some staff members were trying to fix Yoongi and my hair. As we got closer to the stage, I heard the fan chants getting louder. "Is everyone ready?" Namjoon asked, and we all nodded, "Don't push yourselves too hard, and be careful." Before we went on stage, Kim gave Namjoon a kiss on the cheek and wished all of us luck. As soon as we stepped out, the spotlight hit us. I waved and smiled at everyone in the crowd as they went crazy at our appearance. Then the performance started.

"This is what I've been dreaming of..." I thought. I smiled at Yoongi. He smiled back before returning to his verse.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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