Chapter 61

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~Two weeks later~

Kim and Tim continue to work hard. BTS and I decided to do the same. Today was a special day, Namjoon is planning to propose to Kim. I was able to take a day off to help.

"There's a high school hosting a festival. At the end, there will be fireworks. That's when I plan to propose," Namjoon explained. "That's sweet and all, but don't you think this is a bad time to propose?" Jungkook asked. "I agree, she's about to risk her life for me," Yoongi said. "I know, I know. It is a horrible idea but I've been planning for some time. It just so happens this event crashed my original plans," Namjoon said, "But after everything, we'll get married and go on our honeymoon."

"Let's not ruin his moment. If he plans to propose now, so what?" Seokjin asked, "It's up to him, and we knew it'll happen one day." "It won't be bad to have something good happen before chaos erupts," I agreed. "Okay, then what's the plan?" Jungkook asked. "You will all distract her separately. Since there's a lot of activities happening, it won't be hard to distract her. It helps that she'll most likely be fascinated by everything," Namjoon explained, "Y/N, Charlotte and Tim will be the first to distract her. Then Hoseok, Seokjin, and Jimin. Lastly, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Since Yoongi is her best friend, he can bring her to me. I'll be waiting at the back of the school." "Do you want us to lie and tell her that you're not there?" I asked. "I was just getting to that. Just tell her I'm late because the manager-" he started off. But then, the door opened. Kim walked in with two bags, "Guess who brought food." When she noticed we were all gathered around a table, she approached us. "What are you discussing?" she asked.

We were all surprised by her sudden appearance, since we didn't expect her to come at all today. But here she is, with food.

"We were discussing Mimi's game,'" Yoongi answered for us. "Oh, well, you guys don't need to worry about that. We got this!" she gave us two thumbs up as reassurance. "Hey, did you hear about that festival they're holding?" Jungkook asked. She pursed her lips together, "Which one?" "The one being held by the high school near here," Taehyung answered. "Oh yeah, I did. Why do you ask?" she asked. "We were wondering if you wanted to go before all this chaos happens," Seokjin answered. "Sure, I would love a break," she instantly agreed.

~After eating~

"I should head back before the others start scolding me," Kim waved and left. "Good job, guys, you lured her into the trap-" Namjoon started before the door opened. "I almost forgot," Kim went to kiss Namjoon, "You'll be there tomorrow, right?" He nodded, "I don't know when, but I will be there." She smiled, "As long as you're there." Then she left again. "Anyways, continue where you left off," I said. "Right, just tell her my manager asked me to stay back to do some things," Namjoon replied.

~The next day~

Charlotte was driving to Kim's house. "You'll think that, since they're dating, they'll live together," she said. "BTS live in the dorms. The rules say that guests can only stay for a short period of time. If Namjoon owned a house or an apartment, maybe they'll live together," I replied. "Those are some weird rules," she muttered.

When we made it to her house, I went out to knock on her door. She came out and we started heading to the high school.

"Thank you for offering me a ride," Kim said. "Of course. We might as well, since we're all heading to the same location," Charlotte replied, and Kim smiled. "Are you ready?" Kim turned to Tim. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be," he answered.

When we made it to the festival, we went to try the haunted house. It was just a bunch of students trying to jump scare us. Although we found it entertaining, it was good enough to scare Charlotte. She started to cling onto Tim until we left.

"Ew, why are you touching me?" she backed away. "What do you mean? You're the one who started clinging onto me," Tim walked off. "But he's the one who let her do that," Kim whispered to me. "They're totally a ship," I chuckled. "Oh, most definitely," she agreed.

Then she went with the second group.

"Have you guys noticed anything weird about Kim lately?" Tim asked. "No, why?" I asked back. "I don't know what's going on, but she hasn't been putting a lot of effort into training. She lounges around, and sort of complains," he answered. "Maybe she's conserving energy for the big day...?" Charlotte suggested, questionably. "I guess..." he looked out the window. "Kim, please don't give up..." I thought.

~Night time~

When the fireworks were getting set up, Seokjin called Namjoon. He put it on speaker so we can listen in. Then we found an empty room to watch from. When the fireworks started going off, Yoongi walked into the room. I watched Kim get distracted by the fireworks. Namjoon was on his knees for five minutes before she noticed. As he was talking, we couldn't hear a thing because of the fireworks. But we did hear "Will you marry me?" and "Yes!" That's when the fireworks ended. They started to passionately kiss in front of kids-

"Cover your eyes, children!" Taehyung opened the window and shouted.

Two more weeks, but today was a day to enjoy.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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