RoseThorned Vampire: Chapter 13

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As Annie charged me madly, I stepped out of the way with my vampiric speed. Before she could realize what I had done, I used my power to shove her into the wall on the opposite side of the ballroom. Looking behind me, I saw that the men with guns began running down the steps to protect their mistress. It could only mean they were human. But if they were human, how had they been able to sneek to a ball with vampires attending. We would of caught the scent of blood in the air....wouldn't we?

No, because the party was already serving blood that covered the scent of the humans coming. They had striked at the right time while we were most vulernable. The men rushed down the stairs as Annie got up from her fall on the other side of the room. They set their guns to shoot me and I gave a small smirk. I could take out two birds with one stone if they would just fire already.

"WAIT!" a voice called out before they could fire.

Darn. I had forgotten to keep a guard on my mind. That or Koien was pretty smart for a grunt of Annie's. I wondered exactly what kind of relationship he had with the woman anyways.

"Don't shoot! She'll use the bullets to kill you and Annie!" Koien called out before they could pull the trigger.

That affirmed my belief that Koien was a vampire if he could react so swiftly to the impending doom Annie had been in. The men lowered their guns or tossed them aside at his words. Some began to reach for their swords, but then realized I could yank those out of their hands with my power as well. 

"What are we suppose to fight with? Our bare hands! The girl's a vampire!!" one of the soldiers complained.

"Yeah, she'll rip us apart before we get a chance!" another whinned along with his comrade.

Koien studied the situation. Their human men couldn't do a thing. Annie wasn't doing so much of a good job at beating me like she thought she would. It was obvious that he couldn't do anything or he would've been at Annie's side at the split second I broke free of my chains.

I wasn't in a good situation either though. Kogeta and the guys were useless. Somehow Violet and Hana had been taken care of without me noticing. I hadn't even seen them within the crowd when I had stopped to rest before Maira arrived. Maira couldn't help me, or wouldn't (You'd think a little prank genius like that could've done something for me). Kaito was still in custody of two men which I had no idea if they were human or vampire. 

We both were in a deadlock. If I tried to take care of Annie, Koien would certainly threaten me with the life of my lover Kaito. Of coarse if I threatened him with the life of Annie he couldn't take care of Kaito----if he felt strongly about her. Which I felt was a possibility the way he acted around her. 

"Emma, I'm sure you're full aware of the situation we're in." Koien began, grabbing my attention."If we could bargain our..........hostages......" he continued, pausing for the right word.

"You're going to bargain for me!? We haven't lost yet!" Annie wailed from behind me. Sounding quite childish.

She had just recovered and was wiping the hair from her eyes. The look on her face showed she was furious with Koien. At her words he had flinched. So they were either lovers or she had bullied Koien in going along with her.

"Yes, not yet. I don't want any unneccessary killing." Koien said gently back to her.

"No unneccessary killing? What do you think we came here for!? To all hug and make up to one another!!??" Annie cried."I want her dead and I don't care how it's done!" she whinned followed by a "Umph."

The umph came from me using my powers to push her back into the wall. She had been only a couple of feet away from it, so it had only knocked the wind out of her. Annie hadn't been really specific on who 'her' was.......and my temper had been on the boiling point at that exact moment. All this girl was a rich brat who wanted her toy when she wanted it at that exact moment. And frankly, I hated that kind of behavor.

Koien overlooked the small detail and went back to trying to negotiate with me.

"I'll give you Kaito safely, if you promise not to hurt Annie any further and hand her over to me safely." He said, putting emphasis on 'safely', making sure I got the hint.

I thought about it for a minute. Maybe my situation wasn't as dire as I thought of it before. A wussy princess and her weakling prince were threatening me with Kaito's life. They hardly could handle taking care of themselves without their men backing them up. The two that held Kaito hostage stood like statues beside them. The four that had come to rescue their ring leader had given up and left the scene. 

The only ones I would really have to take care of was the two men near Kaito. They wouldn't be able to pull out a dagger to protect themselves before I used my powers to pull their weapons out of their hands. The question was, were they vampires?

"Emma?" Koien questioned, wondering if I had even listened to him at all.

I snapped back to the current situation at his words. He was waiting for an answer from me. I was just about to make my move when Annie made hers.

"Screw this, I'll take care of her myself." she cried out while running at me.

Automatically I thought that wasn't that what she had tried to do earlier, but failed? If she was planning to come at me again, then she just made my plans even simpler.

"Annie!" Koien cried out.

He does care about her, but not like a lover. A friend maybe? I thought as I prepared myself for Annie who was right in front of me about to strike.

I went to hold my hand out to usher the frozen night air to fling her back into the wall when she jumped over top of me. My powers didn't touch her at all and she landed saftely behind me. Grabbing me by the back of my dress, she hoisted me up in the air and tossed me at the same wall I had tried to throw her at. I hit it with the classic cartoon wam and then slid down the polished stone wall with a squeak. I could hear Annie brushing her hands off as if she had gotten dirt on them.

"See? That wasn't so hard to throw her. Even you could've done that!" Annie said happily.

"If I had your powers maybe......" Koien muttered miserably.

As he finished up his sentence, I had managed to get to my feet and use my powers. Annie was thrown out one of the broken windows and landed with a splash. She had landed in the garden's pond that was nearby. A squeal errupted from outside. 


I brushed my dress off like Annie had done with her hands and stood up straight. Koien stiffled a chuckle.

A minute later, Annie found her way back to the ballroom window. She was soaked to the bone, her hair disaray, and her make-up running. She was a sight to see. Once again, Koien stiffled a laugh.

"What are you laughing about!? Why are you two still standing around!!" Annie shouted at Koien and her men.

At her words Koien fell silent. Her men who had been guarding Kaito, made the jump from the balcony to the floor below. They were vampires all right. A human would've broken an ankle, maybe even their leg bone. Koien moved nervously to take the guard's spot, trying to make himself useful.

While Annie dragged herself over the window ledge back into the ballroom, her two remaining men closed in on me. One going left, one going right. Trying to trap me within a circle. Annie joined them once she pulled her wet hair back and out of her eyes.


Looks like my sweet plot has been revealed, but won't you stick around to see the finallie?~

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