Thread of Thorns: Chapter 8

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The next night, Kaito came back like I thought he would with no leads. Byron was nowhere to be found in the town. He wasn't anyplace on campus either. He'd disappeared into thin air.

"I just don't understand." Kaito mumbled, pressing a hand to his temples. "There should at least be some evidence that he attacked Kogeta. Some twigs snapped perhaps or the earth disturbed underneath their feet. But there's nothing. The forest hasn't been touched."

"Perhaps Bryon was kidnapped, just like Kogeta." I suggested softly, not trying to get on his nerves. "Maybe he went out to get some fresh air and saw our friend Kogeta getting dragged off. The perpotrator had no choice but to knock him out and take him too."

Kaito immediately had an answer to counter mine. "You're leaving out the fact that Kogeta said he woke up alone when he was being dragged through the forest."

"But he also said he couldn't remember what the man looked like." I pointed out. "He could have easily forgotten that there were two of them being dragged off."

Kaito looked down at the desk, thinking things through. "It wouldn't be like Kogeta to leave the other captive back in the forest."

I frowned. I didn't have an explanation for that. My eyes snook a peek at Kogeta who had decided to come to class today. He was facing forward, listening to the lesson Yagari was teaching. The noble was completely ignoring Violet who sat next to him. True, if he had his telepathy he'd pick up on her distress, but he didn't. Kogeta didn't even pause to look over at her.

"He has been acting strangely though." I sigh out loud.

Kaito shakes his head in agreement. "But that's to be expected. He came back from being half dead. The images are still fresh in his mind."

"Images." I repeat the words on my tongue, recalling something from my junior year. "Doesn't Satoru from my brother's group has the ability to take memories from a person's mind and project them to other people? I think that's how Kogeta was able to share my parent's burned down mansion when Travis took me---at least, that's what Toran told me."

"You're brilliant!" Kaito cried a little louder than neccessary. He almost went to kiss me, but restrained himself in front of the others. A classroom was not the time. "You're right." he said a little softer. "All we have to do is see if we can borrow Satoru for a moment. Do you think you can ask your brother for the favor?"

"Of course." I replied.

"Then during break, go take Raki with you and go find Jarred." Kaito instructed me. "I'll convince Kogeta to come with me. We'll meet up at the Moon Dorm commons."

I nodded. Bringing Raki with me would be neccessary. Since the new rules, we couldn't walk the halls alone. But to get to Moon Dorm, we'd have to enlist the help of two perfects---one for each group. I made up my mind to ask Zero. He owed me a few favors anyways for breaking him out of his death sentance last year.

When the bell rang, I set to my mission. Raki was the loner of the group. He was also the only male vampire that I knew with strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. I caught up with him before he walked out the door with Toran and Arashi.

"Do you mind coming with me?" I asked, sounding urgent because I was out of breath.

"Oh...okay." Raki agreed, turning away from the others.

Toran and Arashi stare at me as I turn around to leave by the ground-level door. They're probably wondering why I asked him instead of them. Kaito knows. Raki isn't the type to ask questions. He also keeps a secret if he hears one. We don't have to worry about our meeting spreading to the rest of the school with him. 

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