my backstory ig

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Okay so like I have 4 quirks because of a twisted mindset from the basically a very high end nomu, I'll get more into it later
(I drew that)

He shot up from my bed "oh god another nightmare" he lightly wispered to himself. He got up from his be and went to his window "hmm, why are you out of bed milo?" The boy known as 'Hawks' said walking into milos room "I could ask the same thing"
"I was thinking of sneaking out again,and I couldn't sleep"
"I couldn't sleep ether, oh if you so sneak out I need a new pair of headphones, my old ones broke"
'hawks' sontered twords milos  "what are you doing Takami "
"Just walking into your room, whyyyyyyy"
"Because if you get caught in here than we have to train harder, a hell of a lot harder" Tamaki kept walking to the boy "but it's boring in my room, my roommate doesn't like me"
"Who? 'inferno'"
"Yeah,he told me to just call him by his last name, Todoroki"
"Oh cool, but I can see why he doesn't like you, he's super serious and not one to play around with"
"Yeah he had burnt some of my feathers because they were on his side"
"Well yeah it was in his side, and if your tired you leave a trail of feathers"
Tamaki started pouting "w-well I can fly" he turned around facing the wall "so can I bird brain"milo let  mist pour out from the back and made huge dark purple wings.
the user of this Quirk has 6 holes on his/her chest that the dark purple mist that can pour out, the user can manipulate the mist to do its bidding
This quirk was not originally Milos he had it given to him by the commission
Tamaki started pouting even more "b-but,well I'm older than you"
"By 4 years, alot of other people are older than me" milo said rolling his eyes "CATGIRL AND HAWKS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED?"one of the workers boomed (irl I'm trans and this is basically me in bnha  :p)
Milo quickly snapped his head over to the open door his tail going wild and his ears flat agents his head
The user can turn into a cat with a code word and has cat like features like his  cat tail and ears
Milos code word is cinnamon
This is milos original Quirk
He let out a low growl and Tamaki shot a few feathers at her "OH Shi- shoot I didn't mean to, are you okay" he rubbed the back of his neck and ran over to her "I'm FINE,YOU two are in big trouble, you both know that after lights out you can not leave your room or be out and about under no circumstances"
That's when they heard someone scream,it came from down stairs "I will give your report to your according trainer"with that she left leaving Tamaki and milo to keep talking "so why are you here again,what do you want me to use my Quirk on you?"
"WHat NO, I was board and couldn't sleep,and I was walking around and saw your were up" he answered quickly "yeah ok so I'm just going to" milo walked up to Tamaki and put his hand on his cheek  "Ahh~ MMmm~" all his feathers shot out and flew around the room, he turned bright red and looked down to see his pants with a bulge and wet spot
If the user the user touches the victim with all five fingers they will feel lots of pleasure, basically it makes the victim feel immense  pleasure and orgasm it also has a very weird affect on inanimate objects. The victim will be left unable to move for about five seconds
This was given to him by the commission.
Tamaki covered his bulge and almost ran out of milos room with his feathers flying after him. And with that Milo went over to his bed and fell asleep
The next day
That day felt off to the young teen he didn't know why but he knew something was going to happen, him and Hawks had to spar after training hard "CATGIRL,HAWKS,get over here NOW"one of the supervisors hissed. They both got an ear full all because one of them went into the others room
Time skip
it was now dinner "hey Tamaki,how is getting along with your roommate going" Milo asked "not good Todoroki doesn't want to even try and bond ya' know"
"OH you should sit with us" Tamaki said excided "you can see him,and see what I'm talking about" Milo couldn't even say yes or no before Tamaki used one of his feathers to drag him to the table that Todoroki was sitting at. Milo looked at him from his white hair with small red streaks to his purplish burns on his cheek and arms and his piercing blue eyes, the feeling of something is going to go wrong increased "I don't feel unsafe,he is going to do something bad soon,but. I don't feel unsafe quite the opposite actually,hmm I don't know" he thought Todoroki kept looking at him    "damn now I know why he doesn't want to be friends with Tamaki, total opposes" he thought "HI Todoroki, this is Milo" Tamaki smirked his signature smirk, Todoroki just hummed a hello and kept eating "now I see why he doesn't want to be friends with you,you guys are total opposites" Milo wispered to Tamaki "HeY how do you know that"he retorted
"If you guys are going to talk about me then say it to my face" Todoroki looked up at the two "oh, sorry, Tamaki asked me why you don't want to be friends with him, and I said it's because he's annoying" Milo apologized "and you Hawks,"
Hawks he froze "uhmmm, what Milo said"
"So you agree that your annoying?" Milo said "WH-WHAT NO" he shook his head and put his arms into an X. This earned a small laugh from Todoroki "you got him to laugh"Milo wispered to Tamaki "hey,I did"
"See now you can try and make him laugh more,not now" they finished dinner the unsettling feeling that something's going to go wrong increased by tenfold. He walked back to his room and looked under his bed "good it's still there" he saw his go bag (a backpack that he can grab and go, it has essentials and a few other things) and he went into bed
Time skip in the middle of the night
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* "what the fuck" the smoke alarm *BEEP BEEP BEEP* "Smoke,I NEED TO GET OUT" he grabbed his go bag and a jacket put in his shoes and ran out of the building "no one is here , i-i can leave" without second thought he ran he got pretty far and looked back

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