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you sat crosslegged on the crafting table outside the hotdog van, sharpening your sword with a stone. the sound made your ears hurt.

you could hear eret and fundy conversing inside of the van, but couldn't exactly make out the words. it wasn't your place to eavesdrop anyways, so you didn't mind. you had no idea where wilbur was. tommy and tubbo were running around the inside of the l'manberg walls, talking loudly and making jokes. you were used to it at this point.

tommy and tubbo were l'manberg's youngest members. tommy was wilbur's right hand man, and tommy said that tubbo, his best friend, was HIS right hand man. wilbur was the president, and the founder. he was practically your father, he had taken you in and taken care of you, and you were close with him. eret, fundy, and you were members of l'manberg. although, wilbur and fundy had both told you many times that you were the most skilful with weapons, and would be most useful in battle if it ever came to it, and you were a bit cautious of eret. you didn't exactly trust him. he would disappear and randomly reappear, and sometimes you would catch him sneaking out at night.

you looked up and was brought out of your thoughts as you heard someone approaching the l'manberg gate. you had no idea how you heard it over the sound of tommy's loud, obnoxious voice. either the person was extremely loud, or you had sharp hearing. you got up from your spot and went over to the gate. you peeked out of the little whole in the wall beside the door to see who it was.

"wilbur!" you said, quickly opening the gate for him. your mood quickly dropped. mr. president wasn't happy. "what's going on?" you asked, quickly catching on. wilbur sighed, brushing his fluffy, curly brown hair out of his eyes with his hand. "dream isn't happy with l'manberg."

dream. you hadn't met the masked man or even seen him, or anyone who was a member of the dream smp, but apparently he was scary. he ruled over all the land outside l'manberg, and exceeded in battle. you knew the other dream smp member's names: george and sapnap. they were also good with swords and had great gear like dream, or at least thats what you were told by tommy.

"what? how come?" you followed him into the van. tommy and tubbo also followed, asking questions once they saw neither of you looked happy. eret and fundy dropped the conversation once you all entered, and the vibe changed. "dream isn't happy that we say that l'manberg is a separate nation from his. 'you've taken my land,' is what he says." wilbur paused to make sure that we were following, and continued as we nodded. "we all know dream likes his power," no, you did not know that, "and he's clearly upset that he doesn't have power over this great nation."

the president was interrupted by tommy. "that bastard!" the loud blonde shouted. "yeah!" tubbo's cheers followed shortly after. "don't encourage him." you said, clearly speaking to tubbo. "back to you, wilbur." wilbur took a second before speaking again. "we aren't gonna let that green bastard take our nation, will we?" a short chant of "no"s followed. "of course not. we will not engage, but if dream wants to start something, he has got shit coming for him. ...we're also not allowed on dream smp lands anymore." the last bit was almost too quiet to hear. "what?!" you shouted. "but...but my farm is there! and so is tommy's house and his belongings! you said i was allowed to build there!" you said, standing up from the chair you had briefly sat down in. "Y/N, i know you're not happy about this, but we'll have to listen for now. those are now his crops and his house." you huffed and crossed your arms. you were not happy with this. 'i can sneak in tonight and get tommy's stuff and mine. it'll be fine.' you thought, coming up with something. wilbur had dismissed you all, and now you were all talking now that wilbur had left.

tommy was uncontrollable cussing, and tubbo was also adding on to stuff he was saying. you and eret were just listening, both not wanting to interrupt the angry teenager while he was on his rant.

after a minute or so, you said, "this is stupid. we were never a problem for dream before. and right as all my crops are fully grown as well. god, i hate the 'green bastard,'" you said, using tommy's and wilbur's nickname for dream. "knowing dream, he's probably planning something, and has been for awhile. i heard he wants to start a war." eret replied, his glowing white eyes, which were hidden behind black sunglasses, were staring straight ahead. you huffed and mumbled something under your breath, hesitantly getting up from your seat. "i'm going to sleep. i'm tired. i'll see you in the morning." you left the van, not waiting for a reply. you weren't the biggest talker in the nation.

you headed towards your small shack that you slept in and had all your chests in. it was placed against the east wall, and surprising looked quite nice. you decided to wait until everyone went to bed before sneaking out, knowing wilbur wouldn't be happy that you were sneaking onto lands you were just banished from.

first chapter ew. the storyline probably won't follow the actual war for the sake of some sort of plotline, but i'll try to keep it going.
gotta blast
🏊‍♀️ 💨

945 words

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