5 - Blush

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"Fuck..What did I do?" , Jennie asked with wide eyes.

Now how do I answer that? This part of the story is more nerve-wracking than what happened outside the bar.

I stayed silent for a while. She looks impatient now. So I started, "Uhh...ok. Let me start from the moment we got out of the car so you have the full story. I need you to let me finish everything first before you say anything, ok?" I demanded and she just nodded like a grade school student agreeing to what the teacher said. Cute.

" So..we got out of the car. I carried you all the way here. I laid you on my bed. I put your bag on the bed side table. I haven't dealt with this kind of situation before. So please understand that I totally didn't know what to do. I thought of checking inside your bag if someone's calling you, they might be worried or something. But I also thought that you might not want me to invade your privacy. So I didn't check your bag. I also tried to get ahold of your friend Yeri, but she seemed asleep already, or busy. I DM'ed her via IG. She hasn't read my message until this morning. So I told her to nevermind and you're fine. I just noticed that you guys are pretty close from your IG posts and stories, so I tried to talk to her. But don't worry I didn't tell her anything, I just asked her if she can pick you up last night because you weren't feeling good, that you're with me. Then, after failing to get to her, I saw you moving uncomfortably on my bed. I also debated whether I should change your clothes or not. Honestly you stressed me out last night", I half joked laughing a bit, I continued, "I decided to just clean you with wet towel without removing any of your clothing. I cleaned your face, arms, only what your dress allowed me to see. You seemed like you felt the difference because you smiled right after I finished cleaning your face. You hugged my pillow tighter. So, I decided to just let you sleep there. I didn't want to freak you out by waking up next to a complete stranger. Then, I went to grab a few of my pillows on the far side of the bed. I wasn't able to get them because you pulled me down my bed. You maybe thought I am your pillow. Or someone else you were dreaming about. I swear your grasp was like a python grip, I couldn't get out of it. Then..when I tried to loosen your death grip, you removed your hands from hugging me and you held my face between your hands. You said...Uhm..you said.. 'I loved you but you lied to me. It hurts a lot'. After that, you kissed me and a tear fell down your cheek. I was so shocked and frozen while you were still sleeping soundly. I immediately went to the couch when I got my senses back, abandoning the pillows I was trying to get. Hmm..so, that's it. You can speak now. Uh... Yeah.. I'm done..Sorry. ", I finished closing my eyes in embarrassment and also to hide my nervousness about what she's going to say.

Silence. More silence. Please say something Jen. Anything!

"Say something please.. ", I begged her, unsure of how she took the story. She's unpredictable. I don't know which way she'll go this time.

"I did..THAT? Wow. Can this ground swallow me now. Ugh", she complained blushing. She covered her face with her hands, I removed them.

I told her, "I thought you're going to yell at me for taking advantage of you. I am sorry. I really didn't know what to do during that kind of situation. Jen..please.. "

She cut me off by putting her finger on my lips, "Sshh.. I should be the one saying sorry. I was the one who took advantage of you and your kindness. But hey, I was a sleeping drunk person, I didn't know I was doing that. But still, I'm sorry for putting you on that situation. And about what I said...", she trailed off obviously having a hard time thinking of how to explain.

I stopped her right there, "It's fine Jen. You don't need to explain that right now. Or ever. I'm just happy that you're safe", I said putting my hand over hers on the table.

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