50 - Storytime

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We're already planning to stir the conversation towards this direction but I am still nervous to tell my parents about that day. A lot of things happened that day. I found out about Kai, I got drank, Lisa saved my ass, I slept in a stranger's bed, woke up not knowing where I was and what happened the night before. So, don't blame me if I'm nervous to tell my parents, especially when my dad's face turned serious.

"Uhm..yeah..the story", I started nervously. Lisa grabbed my hand under the coffee table and squeezed it.

"Before I start the story, can I at least ask you not to interrupt me while I'm not yet done with the whole thing? You can ask questions after or, maybe reserve your violent reactions for when I'm done? Please?" I pleaded.

"Is this a serious type of story dear? We're asking about how you guys met right?" mom asked confused at my intro.

"It's a bit of everything actually, for Jen to tell you the story of how we met, she has to tell you guys also the story of how she and Kai broke up. That happened the same day. So, yeah. Interesting day that was", Lisa said and I eyed her thankfully for answering that in my behalf.

My parents looked at each other surprised and then looked at me expectantly. "Go on honey, we're all ears now. We promise to save our comments until you're done talking. No matter how violent my reactions may be", dad said making me more nervous.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and started, "Alright here's the full story. That day when Kai arrived from the airport, he was so tired and jet lagged according to him, so he slept right after he touched down on our bed. I decided to tidy up his luggage. I saw his boarding pass and passport, he arrived in the country for almost a week already but he only went home that day. So that's strike one on my list. I didn't confront him when he woke up. I acted normal. I was on my social media when he woke up and he told me in passing that he needs to meet up with his bestfriend for dinner. He hesitated to ask me if I wanted to go with him. I declined to which I swear I saw him breathe a sigh of relief. So that's strike two. I just made an alibi that I have a dinner date with you two. That you're in the city to meet up with me. He believed me. Or maybe didn't care. I stayed on my social media for as long as he was prepping up for his dinner. I was actually talking to Lisa on the comments section of my page. We didn't know each other back then. I only know her as a fan that time, a weird, funny and smart fan. I haven't even checked what she looked like. I just always see her username popped up on my notifications. So there, when Kai left his house, I waited for a few more minutes. I then called the girlfriend of his bestfriend to confirm their dinner. I told her I changed my mind and would like to surprise him by showing up. Long story short, they don't have dinner and I went out to look for him on places where I most likely see him. I know his whereabouts and his favorite hang outs" I paused for a while and took a deep breathe, this is one part I know my father will react to.

I continued, "So, at The Palace, the first place that went to my head, I carefully looked for a seat with privacy. I looked around and there I saw Kai. With some..people. I wanted to confront him there and then but there's a kid involved. So I stood up after seeing enough, but he saw me because I kinda felt dizzy and tripped a little when I stood up too fast. So he went after me and I still went home leaving him behind. He followed shortly when I got to his house. We had an argument. He confirmed what I was thinking. He just told me the details I should know. He's been cheating on me for 3 years and their son is already 2. So, that instant, I broke up with him. I have nothing against them, there's a kid involved. I don't want to ruin a family even if I'm the one they cheated on. Realizing everything at once, that more than half of my 5 years relationship was a lie, that I am homeless because I wanted to leave his house as soon as I can. I couldn't stand seeing him. I decided to go to the nearest bar a few blocks away. So I didn't have to ride a car home, I can just walk to and from it" I paused again. This is another part I'm sure my dad and mom will scold me.

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