Ending Notes

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There you have it dear readers! Our book is done! It's a slow burn specially in the beginning. I wanted to build up the characters first before diving in to certain parts of the story. Some may be considered 'filler chapters' but I think they were still essential to establish a solid character reference. 

Writing process:  It took me almost a year to finish this book due to writer's block. You know, when you suddenly lost interest in writing. I had it for half a year I think. So, when my drive went back, I couldn't stop writing. I took advantage of it even if it meant not sleeping for 2 days straight. It's hard to keep the drive to write so when an idea comes to mind, I write it down or save an outline of it on my phone so I won't forget. Then I develop it into a chapter when I find the time. But mostly, writing comes easily when I already have the bigger picture. The chapters stretched to 90+ because I went with my mind blabbering stories and my fingers typing them. I write where my imagination tells me to write. So yeah, I only have the concept in the beginning and continued blindly all throughout the story. The ending was not planned. 

Concept: If you're wondering where or why I thought of that concept or plot, well, it's a common plot. I know. I've read a lot of concepts like this one. So it's not unique. But I gravitated towards this one because of something that triggered my personal 'daydreams'. 

Fun fact: This story was originally written with different characters. I just decided to rewrite it and convert it to JenLisa since I discovered them last year. September of last year, I think. Yeah, I'm a bit late, I know. I've only written like 50 chapters of the original story by that time, then came the writer's block. I discovered JenLisa first, then Blackpink. Is that weird? Hahaha Then I fell into the blackhole called Blackpink from then on. JenLisa actually brought back my writing drive. P.S. The original character was supposed to be Jesse or Jessica, a first person POV which is the reader (me or you) in place of Lisa and Jei or Jenny (Jennie) who's character was inspired by a real top model named Jachin Manere. My favorite top model. Just to clear things up, I wasn't fantasizing about her that way you pervs! lol She's really nice in real life. And FYI, the Instagram thingy is kinda real, specially the Instax post. She replies to most of my comments on her page but not always. She's a nice person and cool too, and weird, in a good way.

If you have any questions for me, about the story or anything..just comment down or PM me. Whatever floats your boat. I'll gladly answer anything you ask. Don't worry, you can ask anything really. I rarely get offended. 

Questions, comments, suggestions? Go ahead! 

Thank you so much for reading this book! If you like even a tiny bit of it, please feel free to share it or recommend it to others. I will highly appreciate more reads and comments and votes. Those are a big help to me. It will be a good motivation for me to write again. 

This is it..Over and out!



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