75 - Spano

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This is funny. I didn't know these dumb people need more training. I didn't know their real skills until I experienced how to get passed them and play around while they're supposedly hunting me down. This is too easy.

When I jumped out of Lisa's car earlier, I went straight under the sewage line connecting the drainage system of the city. No one even bothered to secure this area. Dumb asses. Now I feel like a Ninja Turtle running in full speed towards the target building. It's 3 blocks away. I can be there in a few minutes. With the traffic ahead, I'm sure I will get there before Lisa.

2 minutes. I ran for 2 minutes. Now I'm here in the secret passage of the building. I built this myself during my 'off hours'. This is also the great Jennie Kim's idea. That girl is the epitome of beauty and brains.

Guns..check! Bullets.. check! Bulletproof vest and head gear..check! Knives..check! Smoke bombs..check! Com device..check! Sleep shots..check! Okay, I'm good to go up. I need all of these because I'm basically fighting a whole army alone. But with their skills, I guess I'm over-equipped.

Oh wait, I have to make a call first. I almost forgot damn it.

Me: Jisoo Turtle Rabbit Kim, ready to attack

Kang: Turtle what? What the heck Kim?

Chou: OhmyGod that's funny

Park: Where the heck are you? Make this fast!

Me: I'm under you. Is the coast clear?

Park: Yes! Everyone's on the look out. Be cautious.

Manoban: I'm still stuck in traffic. Resume your posts. Go now.

Me: Copy! Park, be there in 2 minutes tops. Get ready to fight me.

Kim: No Kim Jisoo, get ready to fight me

Park: You're dead meat hon.

Chou: I'll pray for your soul Chichu.

Kang: Same!

Manoban: Kids, let's play some other time. We have a serious situation if you haven't noticed. And babe, let the couple do the fighting. Just be on the defense mode, okay?

Kim: Fine. See you later.

Me: Copy all. Over and out.

We learned to talk without really moving our lips for this. So they can still talk even when there's people nearby. They just have to make sure they wont be heard. Except for Kang and Chou who works hidden.

That other Kim is scary. I have to make this fast. Stealth mode on.

I stepped out of the tunnel into the secret doorway then walked lightly along the halls leading to the main hall. That's where the first team is. I have to avoid them. I don't want to accidentally kill anyone tonight.

Are they sleeping or what? I just passed them. They're real idiots. Lisa should not trust them with their safety. One more team to go. I can't avoid them though. The only way to go inside the room is through them.

I pressed the button on my com device.

Me: Kang, turn off the cams.

Kang: Copy. In 3,2,1.. You're good.

Once I got the signal, I dropped down to the floor to shoot 8 rounds of the tranquilizers or sleep shots. I successfully shot 7 on their legs and arms but one shot got wasted. He noticed me on the floor and about to call back up when I shot him right on his cheek. Ow that's gonna sting when he wakes in an hour.

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