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A few weeks passed. Quite uneventful to say the least. It's a little odd not hearing anything at all from everyone with regards to 'the situation'. Nothing from both sides. Everything seems to be calm and like there's no threat at all. I just feel weird about it for something I can't explain. It's not that I want trouble but there's just something that don't add up. So, what else do we have to do? We went through same routines. I went to work my ass off as well as Jen. She accepted a few photoshoot projects, ad campaign for a certain clothing line which she can't decline and a one episode special guesting in a TV show. After all that, she made sure to free her schedule for the coming 3 months.

Today's the first day of her 3 months off from work. She's really excited about it. I can clearly see how relieved she is right now that she's staring at me, saying something?

"Babe!! Hello?! Earth to Lalisa!" she said. At least that's what I heard. I don't know if she said anything before that.

"Uh. Yes? Sorry" I said feeling guilty about spacing out again.

"Where were you? You worry me sometimes. You keep doing that. Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" she asked concerned.

"Sorry babe. I'm just thinking about.. you know. How's everything going so far. And also, work" I said honestly. There's no use in lying. Jen hates it when I don't tell her the truth. She's now a pro when it comes to reading my facial expressions. Even the tiniest movement of my facial muscles. It's ridiculous.

"Everything's alright. Don't think too much. And you're doing great at work. Everything's under control. Plus... I'm off of work now remember? I can help you with your other responsibilities outside your company and I'll make sure you still find time to relax. I'm here for you okay?" she said in a very comforting tone that made my heart flutter.

"What did I do to deserve you? Really? You're literally perfect it's not fair" I pouted.

She shoved my pouting face in a playful manner and giggled. "Stop saying that. I know I'm gorgeous and all but not near perfect. And that pout of yours, stop it you dork!"

I pouted some more and she chuckled shaking her head before kissing my pouty lips.

"There. Stop pouting already" she said tapping my nose.

I smiled at her happily. I was about to say something when my phone rang. I answered on it's third ring.

"What's up Chu?" I said in greeting.

"We have a problem. I can't go there right now because Peyton asked me to go in the camp for a few hours. I have a reliever for you, Yeji. And regarding the problem, Tzuyu will inform you. Can you let her go up there? It's really important" Jisoo said in a rushed tone which made my heart beat fast.

"That serious? Where's Chae? Why can't she come here instead?" I asked debating whether I can let anyone in here beside my two trusted ones.

"She can't. That's part of the problem. Trust me on this Lis. You can trust Tzuyu I promise" she answered.

"Okay. I'll call her after this. Thanks" I said before hanging up.

I furrowed my eyebrows deep in thoughts. My thoughts are honestly running like 200 miles per hour about the possible problems we could have. While looking for Tzuyu's number on my contacts, I heard Jen speaking.

"Is there a problem? You look a bit pale" she asked worried.

Before I can answer Tzuyu already answered the call on the other line. I held a finger up telling my girlfriend to wait for a little while, she just nodded understandingly.

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