57 - Priority

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"Hey baby.." Jen said out of nowhere, staring at me while she's eating her bowl of cereal.

"Huh?" I answered confused why she suddenly called my attention.

"Where were you?" she asked giving me a tight lipped smile

"What?" I asked still confused.

"You're pretty quiet since you woke up.. and.." she said putting her hand on top of mine then she gestured toward my cup of coffee with cereals in it.

"Oh.. Sorry babe. I'll just.." I said standing up getting a fresh cup of coffee but she stopped me to get it for me.

While pouring me another cup of coffee and preparing cereals with milk afterwards, she said "Care to share what's on your mind? Only if you want to"

I sighed "I'm really sorry babe. I've been thinking about the meeting with my lawyers yesterday. I already talked to them.. It's been on my mind since last night"

"Do you wanna talk about it?" she asked after giving me a kiss on top of my head after she placed my breakfast in front of me. She added "Go eat first then we'll talk about it if you want to"

"Thanks babe. What did I do in my life to have such a wonderful girlfriend like you?" I said pulling her into a hug while she's standing and I am sitting on the counter high chair.

She smiled and said "Because you are Lalisa Manoban, the kind, loving, smart, tough and gorgeous person with the biggest heart. I think I should be the one asking that question, don't you think?"

"I'm not all that.." I told her hugging her more tightly.

"..and humble too" she said giggling.

I sighed again but this time I'm smiling. It's a contented sigh.

I said "I'll finish this first then we can cuddle on the balcony couch while talking"

"Sure. Go eat now. I'll be back. I just need to go online. You know.. Social responsibilities and all. I haven't updated in 3 days. My followers need to be fed something" she said walking backwards slowly.

"Hey..." I pouted "Where's my kiss?"

"You little needy child.." she said walking back to me shaking her head amused.

"Girlfriend duties first babe" I said giving her a toothy grin.

She didn't say anything. She kissed me instead. The supposed to be quick morning kiss became a full make out session.

We put distance between our faces panting a little due to shortness of breath.

"Don't over think or over analyze things baby, okay? If there's a problem, minor or major, I'm here for you. We're in this together. I love you" she said holding my face in between her palms.

I smiled and nodded. "I love you too" I gave her one last peck on her lips before I smacked her butt lightly. "Go do you other responsibilities. I'm fed"

She laughed getting away from me. She went to the living room to watch TV while updating her socials.

After 20 minutes, we're now cuddling on the balcony couch, staring at the cloudy sky.

"I don't like this sky.. It's gloomy" I said out loud.

"You prefer blue sky but not that sunny, I know. But baby, you can't always get that everyday. It has to rain sometimes to cleanse the surroundings. Plants need rain too, you know" she said stating facts tapping the edge of my nose.

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