3 - Surprise

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The Palace.

My heart beats fast. I don't know what I'm doing but I want to know why he lied to me. He never lied to me before. Or maybe he already did and I was just stupid.

I entered the fancy restaurant nervously scanning the people seated. There are only a number of people around. I took a seat behind the large pillars beside the staircase. I can see everyone but it's hard to notice me here. Perfect spot.

A very polite waitress walked towards my table and gave me the menu. I ordered crab salad and jasmine green tea for starters. I don't plan to eat a whole 5-course meal anyway.

While waiting for my salad, I scanned the crowd. It took a while before I saw something that made me hold my breath. It's Kai. With a kid and a woman who seems to be the mom of the kid. The boy has some similar features to Kai. He might be Kai's nephew or something. But why will he lie about meeting them if he's a nephew? Then my breath hitched watching the scene unfold. Kai pecked the mom on the lips then grab the little boy so he can put him on his lap. He played with the boy, then he tickled him a bit, which made them both laugh.

Suddenly, I heard clearing of throat. It's the waitress from earlier with my salad and tea. She awkwardly asked, "Is there anything else you need Ma'am".

I shook my head as if to shake a million thoughts out. I said, "I suddenly feel sick, can I get the bill instead?"

The confused waitress nodded and left. A few minutes later, she came back with it and I paid for my meal I didn't even touch. I was so out of it when I stood up to leave. But before I can exit out of the restaurant, I mistakenly turned my head around to look at the scene one more time. That's when I saw Kai staring directly at me, his face in pure shock and panic. I left and just hailed a cab that passed by. I don't have time to book an Uber. Damn, I'm getting my own car as soon as possible!

At home.

30 minutes later, I'm already at home. I didn't bother to change clothes. I sat on the balcony, lit a cigarette. I only smoke when I am really stressed. I don't know how to handle these kinds of things. I bet he's on his way home in a hurry.

I heard the door clicked. I knew it. He hurried his way over here. I just continued smoking and staring at the busy street lights. I heard footsteps going to the direction of the balcony.

Silence. Then he simply said, "Jen.."

I calmed myself down as much as I can. I mustered the courage to speak and said, "Since when?"

He must have prepared for this moment multiple times because he answered immediately, "I've wanted to tell you long time ago. But I'm scared. I'm scared to lose you.."

I cut him off right there, "How long is long time ago? How old is he?" I asked pertaining to the little boy.

"He is 2", he said tentatively then added, "we didn't expect to have him. I wasn't prepared to be a father at this age. I still have a lot to do, I have plans..but.."

I cut him off again, "Do your plans include me? Or your plans include on lying to me for God knows how many more years?!", I screamed now standing up and facing him. I am furious now. I can't hold my emotions back.

He looked defeated. He said, " I didn't plan any of this Jen. I'm sorry. It just happened. I can't turn my back on my son. I need to be there for him."

"What about the mother of your son? You also didn't plan that? How long have you been with her?!", I demanded an answer.

"3 years. We had Shane after a year of being together. I was.. I was gonna tell you..but..I didn't know how. You were on the top of your game during those times. I don't want to get that away from you..Jen", he explained.

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