39 - Protocol

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Flashback to the morning after the SG awards party.

I woke up feeling okay. I didn't drink over my limit last night, that's why I'm A-okay. I looked at my side and saw Jen sleeping peacefully snoring almost inaudibly. So cute! She has a day off from work today. I will let her rest it off. I looked at the wall clock and it's already 7AM. I groaned knowing that I have to get ready for a 9AM meeting with the security team. The meeting will be held at the camp. It's a 30minute drive. So I only have at most 1.5 hours to get ready. I know it's quite a lot of time but I want to cook breakfast for Jen. She'll be hungry when she wakes up, I'm sure of that.

I got out of bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I prepared breakfast for Jen. It took me 45 minutes to finish everything. When I was done, I wrote a note on a piece of paper. I smiled at the note after I proof-read it. I hate making mistakes so I had to read it to make sure everything's perfect. It was perfect. Then I went to the bathroom to get a bottle of Advil and I also got a bottle of water from the fridge. I put them down the coffee table in the bedroom so that Jen will see them when she wakes up. She'll get a really bad headache for sure. She was really drunk last night. I left the note beside the medicine. Then I got myself ready for the meeting. A little over 30 minutes to get all ready.

After just 20 minutes, I was all done. I still had 15 minutes spare so I went back to Jen. She's still sleeping. I shook my head in amusement at how deep she sleeps. I'm a light sleeper so I don't get how the hell she can sleep off the sound of my alarm earlier.

I just stared at her like a creep the whole ten minutes. I don't know why but I felt compelled to stare at her. When it's time to leave, with a heavy heart, I pecked her lips lightly so I won't wake her up. She might wake up anytime soon because it's been 1.5 hours since I woke up. She just stirred a bit and fell back asleep snoring softly. I smiled at the sight again. As much as I want to stay home today, I was informed last night that we have an emergency meeting today. Alex said Peyton discovered something and it needs urgent attention.

So I went down the parking floor and drove my Ferrari out of the building. I forgot that when I use the Ferrari, it will only take me 20 minutes tops to get to the camp. So I arrived 10 minutes earlier. Chae was already there.

"Goodmorning Miss Manoban", she greeted me. I almost laughed at her formal greeting but I realized we are actually in "work" area. So I kept it professional too.

"Morning! Why are you here? Who's assigned to Jen right now?" I asked.

"Alternates. Lee and Petrova will be there until I get back. The whole team is also there around the area Miss Manoban. I sent you a message earlier about the temporary switch. Captain Peyton Lewis requested me here" she answered.

"Alright. Good to know that. I'm sorry I was too distracted to even check my phone, I might have opened it but wasn't able to read it. But thank you for doing your job well so far", I told her nodding and about to turn around to go to the meeting room.

"Miss Manoban?" Chae said tentatively.

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Uhhh..I need to tell you something.." she started whispering while her eyes are roaming around as if to check if someone's around eavesdropping.

Then the facility door opened revealing Alex and Peyton talking. I waved at them.

"Never mind Miss Manoban. Forget about this for now and please don't mention it to anyone. Please Lisa. Trust me on this one", Chae said whispering. I was confused as to what she was saying. I processed what she said. She used my nickname at the latter part meaning it's her personal way of talking to me and she's not just saying that as my employee.

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