9 - Criminal

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The day went by rather fast. After Jennie settled in, we rested for a while watching TV and eating snacks. Then we went to the police station for her statement. The police officers made her watch the CCTV footage to confirm what happened. Of course, she cringed a lot at herself specially the time when I was fighting the two guys. She cringed the hardest when she saw the scene where one of the guys cut my arm. She looked like she's watching an action thriller based on her reactions. After the footage was played, her statement was recorded. She also signed a written version of it. Then signed papers here and there like what I did last night. We went home after an hour spent in the police headquarters.

At home.

"I'm tired. But I can't sleep", she said while we're watching an episode of Game of Thrones in the living room.

"Have a lot in mind?" I asked.

"Yeah. It hasn't been 24 hours yet and a lot already happened. Feels like a roller coaster ride. It's dizzying", she said rubbing her temples.

"I agree. It's also not a typical day for me. Honestly, I am overwhelmed. But in a good way. Can I ask something? " I said.

"Sure. What is it?" she replied.

"How are you? For real? You know what I mean..", I asked hinting her that I am talking about the break up, her situation right now.

She closed her eyes like she is thinking deeply and assessing herself. Then she said, "The truth is, I am still affected by the break up. Just a few days ago, I was excited about his vacation. He works in a cruise ship. He's gone for 4 months. Then the next day, he's gone. It happened really fast", she paused and sighed. "It's our 5th year anniversary tomorrow. We already planned it a month ago. We're supposed to go to Paris for a week. No work. Just us. It's a rare time for us. We're both busy the whole year, we rarely talk. Then it happened. The break up. And I feel like tomorrow will be hard for me". A tear fell down her cheeks. I can't stand the look of hurt in her face even if her eyes are still closed.

I went to her side and sat on the foot of the couch she's lying on. I wiped the tears on her cheeks with my hand. She was not expecting that I guess, because she suddenly opened her eyes. She grabbed my hand wiping her tears and smiled sadly. I don't have words for now. I just want her to know that I am here for her. She can let it all out.

We stayed like that for a while. She was lying down on the couch, eyes closed while holding my hand on her cheek. I didn't look away for a second. I just stared at her. My mind racing faster than a bullet. I have to do something for her. I can't let her feel this awful tomorrow. If we just stay here, she might feel depressed. I need to get her to do something with me. Then a magnificent idea went to my head. That's perfect! I'm so brilliant.

She suddenly squeezed my hand she's holding. She said, "Why are you smiling like an idiot? I'm having a moment here and you are smiling? Care to explain?"

I laughed softly. I didn't realize I was smiling. I said eagerly, "I have an idea!"

She sat up this time wiping the dry tear stains on her cheeks with one hand. Her other hand didn't let go of my hand. Aww.

Then she asked amused, "What idea are you talking about?"

"Can I take you out tomorrow? I know a place we can go for the weekends" I finally said.

"What? Take me out? Weekends? So that's an overnight like a sleepover somewhere?" she asked confused.

"Yeah. I'll take you out for 2 days..or more. It depends on you..or your schedule" I said smiling.

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