80 - Alex

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"Babe..Is everything alright?" Lisa asked when I got home.

"I don't know. But there's a huge development about the situation we are in" I told her.

"What situation exactly?" she asked.

"We might need to sit this one..Let's go to the couch first" I said pulling her to the living room.

"Don't you want to change to something comfy first?" she asked looking at my training clothes.

"No. That can wait. This can't.." I simply replied.

"Okay. What's up?" she asked directly.

I took a deep breath before I started the long story. "So right after you left earlier, I went to check on Yeji. Apparently, Chae told her about the box of toys. We were messing around when you were busy. We're thinking about the dare that Chae will do. She said she doesn't really care about anything embarrassing because I already put her through so much of that. Before she can tell about the box of toys, you know the sex toys, I covered her mouth and I threatened her. I said I will shave of her hair if she tell others about that. I didn't know that she still told Yeji about it when I wasn't looking.." I paused to take a breather.

"Oh! She wasn't sick. She was just..flustered? To that extent?" Lisa putting the pieces together.

I nodded and continued, "Yeah. Looks like her crush on me isn't that 'little' since she reacted that way. Or maybe she isn't just used to encounter such topics. I don't know. Anyway, so I checked if she's feeling better. I found her drying her face. I think she cried a little before I came in. I apologized for what Chae caused. We actually didn't talk about that certain topic but we strayed away to a more general topic like I gave her advises about socializing and feeling good about herself. That kind of talk. We're getting deeper in that topic when suddenly she burst out crying again in front of me. I didn't know what to do or what's wrong with her. So I tried to console her until she spoke something about being weak, that she's not a crier. She told me a bit about herself. She was worried about getting fired from her job because she gave in to her emotions, because she's weak. You know how I feel about people who thinks like that about themselves. So I gave her a piece of my mind. I scolded her. I said something like, she's human and she's supposed to feel things, that she's not a robot. Then she abruptly stopped crying and looked at me like that triggered something in her. But she kept quiet, maybe she was thinking during her silence. I still continued to console her. She suddenly told me about how new everything is for her. You know, meeting us, getting to know us personally. She didn't expect for us to be like this. She said even Chae is different around us, that the Chaeyoung she knew at training is different from the one she's hanging out with lately. Also,she didn't expect you to be this new person in her perspective. She told me you were much different from before. You didn't even know how to smile before I came?" I furrowed my eyebrow at Lisa to silently ask if what Yeji's saying is true, she nodded with a sad smile. "She said she was personally taught that you were this person with a superior cold aura, that you're nothing but the Boss, you can never be treated equal to them in any aspect. That you're one vicious person who care about nothing but your power and money. Something like that. She said it was so wrong" I chuckled remembering the next part of the story, "Babe, she said exactly this, they were taught that you are this vicious fire breathing dragon who destroys everything but when she got to know you, you turned out to be Bingbong from Inside Out..Do you know who that is?" I asked her shaking my head in amusement.

"No?" she simply answered.

I sighed about my girlfriend's lack of knowledge about good movies. I quickly search for a short video clip of scenes from the movie so I can save time and effort explaining the reference to her.

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