92 - Last Stand

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It was almost sunrise when Irene woke us up.

"We have to leave at sunrise. There's only 20 minutes left before we go" Irene said above whisper. "I found these when I did a perimeter check. You guys have to eat something. You might pass out. We'll find more on the way later" she said giving the 4 of us assorted fruits.

We didn't realize we're so hungry until we ate the fruits. We even ate raw sweet potatoes that Irene found.

"Do you know this area Irene?" Lisa asked.

"Not really. But we're at the western part of the forest, so we need to follow the trail that leads to the village. We can't go in the highway, it will be easier for them to spot us. I heard Alex ordered his men to use eyes in the sky" Irene answered.

"Okay. So we go west. How much farther do we have left?" Chae asked looking worried because 2 of us can't walk without assistance.

"About 3 miles walk. It's not that much. We can make it out the forest in less than 2 hours" Irene said.

"Got it. But we need to get these two makeshift canes for walking. We still need to stay alert if there are still agents looking around the area. We only have 3 guns with a few rounds in them" Chae suggested.

"Already thought of that earlier" Irene smirked getting the canes she put together for Lisa and Yeji behind the boulder she's sitting on "I was bored guarding so I made these. I hope it helps you somehow"

"You're such a big help Irene, thank you. For taking care of us" I told her.

"You're now my idiots too" she said smiling.

"I am still very confused why I am part of the idiots group. Whatever Kang Seulgi instilled in your head, I swear it's exaggerated" Lisa said chuckling.

"Oh no, she actually called you the Master Idiot, for some reasons" Irene said.

"That woman" Lisa pouted.

We left the safety of the cave at sunrise. Lisa and Yeji find it hard using the canes at first but got the hang of it after the first 30 minutes of walk. Me and Chae are on either side of the group while Irene was at the back. We stayed alert the whole time. So far it's all clear for more than an hour of us walking.

"Hang in there, the end of the forest should be around half a mile to go" Irene said looking around, eyes alert.

"Got it" Lisa answered.

"Do you guys need to rest?" I asked Lisa and eyed Yeji.

"I'm good. But we can take 5 if Yeji needs it" Lisa said.

"I'm okay. We don't need to stop" Yeji answered.

"Okay, just tell us if you need to rest for a while" I said.

"Jennie Kim, the stamina queen" Irene said.

"You're quite updated" I said

"Too updated for my liking" Irene grimaced.

"What?" Chae asked.

"Nothing. Seulgi Bear just doesn't have filter sometimes" Irene said sighing.

Just after she said that, thunder echoed around.

I screamed but I was able to muffle it with my hands. I clung to Lisa who almost stumbled on her good foot.

"Aww babe, don't worry it's just thunder. You're safe" she said comforting me.

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